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:O i guess i can stay up another hour


When Ed complained about Scar’s justifications, he was talking about Scar also going after state alchemists who didn’t take part in the war and had nothing to do with killing his people. For example, Ed didn’t join the military until after war was over, so he played no part in any killing yet Scar came after him. While Tucker is a bad example considering what he did, Scar went with the intent to kill Tucker who didn’t participate in the war. It’s true Tucker’s actions made me feel no sympathy when Scar killed him, however Scar went after Tucker without any knowledge of what he had done. He only went after Tucker because he was a state alchemist.


Scar is just using blanket judgment and acting under the premise of being a state alchemist means that they agree with the state's agenda and must be as evil. I think he uses his religious beliefs as part of an excuse to justify his actions. If his religious beliefs were a major factor then he would also be going after regular alchemists as well and not exclusively state alchemists.


@AwakeProductions You're right and no one should be talking back to you. State Alchemists deserves the hate they're getting from committing genocide during the Ishvalan War of Extermination. That said, there's more to it than what they're telling us.


Ed didnt join the military until after the ishvalan war was over, so to him Scar's reasoning is unjustified. Scar is taking out his anger on Ed among some others who had nothing to do with the war. But its clear to us the audience that there is some validity to Scar's reasoning and hatred of state alchemists.