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How does the law of equivalent exchange work?Can you guys give me some examples? Like I want to understand the cost of using alchemy. Let’s say I wanted to use electricity like Ed did in the first episode. How does the law of equivalent exchange come into play there? How did it work with the lion chimera that the priest made? What are the limits to this law? What qualifies as human transmutation? Is it just if you are mutating your body or trying to make a living thing out of nothing? PLEASE EXPLAIN!! 😭



Think of it like baking a cake. If you have all the ingredients and an oven you can make one. In this case the circles are the oven. But if you have a red stone like the priest did then you can make a cake out of thin air. Without the ingredients or the oven.


And human transmutation only counts as creating a new life entirely or trying to bring someone back to life.


Also I don’t think Ed ever used electricity in the first episode. When anyone does regular alchemy they create that electricity around them. Though I might have just missed the scene you’re talking about.


The comment above is pretty susinct As for human transmutation you can transmute your and other peoples bodies like anything else (human chimeras and that guy freezing people are good examples) you could even make a human like body but you can't tranmute human souls without paying a price to god like when ed put al in the armor and what alchemy can be done with souls is limited and can fail like with trying to bring a dead person back to life


What Christian said. Good example. Basically it's the preservation of mass. Mass can be moved or converted to different forms but never destroyed or created — it's actually a law in physics too. I believe that’s equivalent exchange is referring to. Correct me if I’m wrong guys.


The electricity we see is just an artistic style choice. It's not actually electricity. Sort of like how Zenitsu wasn't actually using lightning in Demon Slayer.


In addition to this, alchemist must pay an equivalent price to produce certain results. For example, whenever Ed transmutes his weapons, you can see a hole on the ground surface from its materials being used, and Ed often changes his metal arm’s shape with an equal amount of materials


Nah you’re right, it’s like the first thing they taught in physics.


Quote from the original FMA before each opneing: "Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrifing something. In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required. That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange" So simplified answer: If you want to create a 2 KG spear out of stone, you have to get the same amount of stone from somewhere else first. However it is a little more complex as you can break down your source components into it's materials to create something new. For Example: If you were to create something out of bronze. Bronze can be composed a few other materials like: 90% copper, 8 % tin, 2% lead. So if you had 1 kg bronze available you could do one of the following: Create something with 1kg bronze, 900g copper, 80g tin, 20g lead or combine the components into a new combination. Human Transmutation: A transumation is counted as "Human transmutation" if you either use another human as material source, or as the target to create/modify a human. Doing this is already considered sick no matter in which form you do it. However the real problem occurs when you try to transmute the human "life" or "soul". What would you have to sacrifice to get the equivalent for a human life? That is the problematic difference between the Elric brothers and the chimera creation, they tried to create a new life, while the chimera creation only effected the bodily materials. Electricity: Ed didn't create electricity with his alchemy, it's just an visual effect for the viewer to show "Hey alchemy creation is in process". Sorry for the length :)