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I don't think Being X was controlling Anson Sioux. It's an interesting concept. I thought Anson was just copying Tanya blowing herself up when they first met. He had a hand on Tanya's shoulder as he was charging up his computation jewel. On the map, Tanya was looking at Republican territory in North Africa, because that's where the Republican navy was going to flee to. Because the armistice was not in effect, and they did not surrender, the Republican military can counter-attack and prolong the war. Tanya doesn't care about Weiss as a person, but more like a valuable worker in a company. She's invested so much in him. She would still sacrifice him to save her own life, like cutting off your hand to save your head. She might develop feelings for Victoria. In the manga, Tanya imagined herself having a normal life if she didn't die in her previous life. "He" would marry someone who looks exactly like Victoria, and have a child who looks exactly like Tanya. Next episode will explain so much good stuff. It's also a great setup for the movie.


Don't feel stupid because you don't know a word. Feel devious because you are about to learn something new. Smirk like Tanya.

Corrupt Zain

For Anson Sioux(Bieng X's tool) he was pulled from the grave. brainwashed into a zealot then used as a disposable attack dog against tanya. If Being X gave a shit about his "Faithful" he would have left his mind in tact and let him retire and return to his family. About the trench gun, its a bit different from the situation in Arene. For Arene while dispicable and downright evil it none the less was not outlawed due to the loophole Tanya pointed out and drafted exploitation of the Law forbidding bombardment in cities by using a surrender order to declare all remaining people after the deadline enemy combatants so, tanya more bent the rules then outright breaking them. Whereas Anson straight up used a weapon outlawed for causing unnecessary suffering to its victims and abandoned his family to partake in a mission from "god". Tanya to some extent does care for her unit if only due to the fact that they have been trained to her standards, they obey and they are efficient thus losing them is not only a black mark on her record it also destroys all the work shes put into turning them into elite fighters which for her is quite aggravating Both Tanya and Being X view other people as tools but in different ways, Tanya views them as tools that should be well maintained and taken care of to ensure they operate at maximum efficiency, its only when the tool is either useless of causing more trouble then its worth does she abandon said tool. Tanya would also weigh past contributions before deciding how to replace a tool, an example of this being those patriotic idiots from episode 1 where them disobeying her orders and attacking the enemy's artillery showed them as being harmful tools that could cost her a chance to move up in rank(it counts as her fault if they die attacking the artillery) or if kept even her life due to disobedience in battle, their refusal to admit their mistakes further lowered them to useless and harmful tool thus she sent them to a place that if attacked would most likely result in their demise. Being X on the other hand believes its owed absolute obedience and reverence thus disobedient, broken or unsuccessful tools are discarded with prejudice. The perfect example of that is tanya, she refuses to have faith and so she has blasphemed and to punish her hes subtly fanned the flames of war costing an unknown number of sacrifices that were unnecessary otherwise. By either we get the world or lose everything she was referring to instead of finishing off the republic to dissuade the Allied nations and russy federation from continuing all the empire has done was show its might causing their enemies to heighten their alarm and resolve the survivors to intensify the attack


i think he was, with his faith and everything. i mean he survived only because X wanted him to and brainwashed him.

Kevin Baker

I honestly don't like the OP music either. Here's hoping you react to the movie, very high production value and just good, imho. Cheers!

Tyrone Tyrone

Being X actions as far as western religions go show he's an archangel upset that people God has blessed aren't thankful enough, don't pray to it enough, and have very little faith in him/her/it. He sees it as very disrespectful, but yet he has to help them by recarnating them when they die. And as far as liking Tanya you're not supposed to at this stage and a lot of people don't and want her to get her comeuppance.


With the treaty violation line, I'm pretty sure she was referring to something along the lines of war laws but less significant like they've agreed on some terms while they're at war and I'm assuming trench guns being used in mage battles or maybe even the general use of trench guns become prohibited and the countries agreed on it

Tyrone Tyrone

We just saw Tanya first act to show she is a sociopath and NOT a psychopath😄 with her saving of one of her troops. She didn't care at first but now she's starting to care.

Tyrone Tyrone

The little boy being bullied who said he will never forgive them and kept fighting although he was badly beaten made Tanya realize what would happen if the French Troops got away.

Tyrone Tyrone

What started the war our whats it about is not important, it's just a situation Being-X put her in. It's a combining of our worlds WW1 and WW2 .

Tyrone Tyrone

And for God's sake😄 take your time and take breaks, we'd much rather have honest emotional reactions than reactions were you could care less or barely stay awake. If somebody wants more in one viewing they should just wait awhile and binge watch your reactions. And good move with YouTube

James Hardin

Tanya was upset because the Republic army was escaping. If they escape, they rebuild, refit and continue to fight. Tanya was trying to win the whole war right now so the war would be truly over. The top brass thought the war was won regardless, and refused to allow her to launch an attack, basically ensuring that fighting will start up again soon.

Kevin Baker

Shotguns (trench guns) were actually considered a treaty violation by the Germans when used by US troops in WWI.


What Tanya means with "the Trenchgun is banned", this refers to a situation that happened in World War I. When American troops arrived in Europe in 1917, the soldiers also brought along shotguns of various kinds. The pellet bullets cause devastating damage, especially to living objects (animals and humans) due to the large amount and the area they cover. In the so-called Hague Rules of Land Warfare, which was created in 1907, there is also a clause expressly prohibiting the use of such weapons, which inflicts unnecessary suffering and pain on an enemy soldier. These include shotguns, but also other types of ammunition and weapons, such as. Dum-Dum projectiles. Article 23 of the Hague Convention on Land Warfare: Apart from the prohibitions set by special contracts, the following is prohibited by name: e) the use of weapons, projectiles or substances capable of causing unnecessary suffering, Overall, Articel e is one of 8 rules listed under paragraph 23.


EXACTLY! Like I commented last week in that "I need some advice" post, I once again wanna say "I don't care what anybody else says, your honest reactions are THE BEST because thats what we call TRUE reacting"


goes to show how important it is in her worldview to follow the rules as written, even if not the spirit of the rules


right, better be proud that you acknowledge what you don't know & look it up/ learn something

Radoras (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 01:23:25 awwwww ❤️ and we don't deserve such a sweet smile, so let's say we're even :3 don't stress yourself over it so much; you're doing great...there is literally no way to make everyone happy, there will always be some people who complain. What I wonder is: who do you think is worse? Being X or Tanya? Both are shitty, selfish & exploit others, but for (slightly) different reasons, their own advantage & to satisfy their own pride respectively it basically boils down not to who you want to win, but who you want to see lose more 😆
2020-03-17 18:45:58 awwwww ❤️ and we don't deserve such a sweet smile, so let's say we're even :3 don't stress yourself over it so much; you're doing great...there is literally no way to make everyone happy, there will always be some people who complain. What I wonder is: who do you think is worse? Being X or Tanya? Both are shitty, selfish & exploit others, but for (slightly) different reasons, their own advantage & to satisfy their own pride respectively it basically boils down not to who you want to win, but who you want to see lose more 😆

awwwww ❤️ and we don't deserve such a sweet smile, so let's say we're even :3 don't stress yourself over it so much; you're doing great...there is literally no way to make everyone happy, there will always be some people who complain. What I wonder is: who do you think is worse? Being X or Tanya? Both are shitty, selfish & exploit others, but for (slightly) different reasons, their own advantage & to satisfy their own pride respectively it basically boils down not to who you want to win, but who you want to see lose more 😆


Being X is not controlling the people he just gives them a miracle(power up) and thats it. Its their choice what to do with it.