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It pains me to sit through this...I understand that Lelouch didn't mean to do it, but what I couldn't forgive is his method of thinking, instead of correcting or owning to his mistakes, he always exploits it through deception to maximize his gains thinking that will get the results he desires


finally this episode

Matthew B

It was just a prank bro


I do agree with your points but it is not really Lelouch's or Euphemia's fault, it is the power itself the power of Geass, the power to control peoples every action and change there memory


It's a very dangerous power, it has been established many times. However, the person who controls that power should be held responsible for everything that has happened. Just like a murderer would be charged for his crimes and not the weapon he used.


@AwakeProductions A little call back from what you've said in the past, "There's only so much excuses and reasons a man can use to justify his "goals" before he loses his mind."

Tyrone Tyrone

A top 10 moment in Anime history with Euphy dying, Suzaku crying out in pain and the crowd chanting Zero at the same time. 😮😮😮😮😮🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Tyrone Tyrone

Orange is now what Clovis wanted to do to a soldier using CC's power. And Rakshata is just like Lloyd and in fact they dated when they younger.


Even the most hardcore fans of the show I see can't defend the infamous Euphy scene from a writer point of view. That was just nasty. But this event showed the character trait about Lelouch that I love the most. He does not make excuses. He is never hiding behind the excuse that it was just an accident. And it's not like he is a sociopath he does feel guilt and hurt for Euphy's situation. He says that he has to cast his conscince to aside but he will continue to act emotional throughout the series.

Tyrone Tyrone

And did I her say she was about to watch Death Note? My brain doesn't just tremble, it's exploding😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😍

Tyrone Tyrone

I love all the reactors reaction when they show Nina when she hears the news about Euphemia. Everybody knows she going to go next crazy.

Tyrone Tyrone

The show is able to maintain or have only a slight drop from this level is what makes it one of the top Animes of all time. Poor Euphy🥴my allergies.


And thus, we start to see further evidence that the Code Geass universe exists to kick Lelouch in the balls over and over again. "You want to stand your revolution down, and join your sister in peacefully uniting Japan? Nope, fuck you, instead you just turned the most peaceful and beautiful person in the Royal family into the most insane and bloodthirsty, gg." Obviously many significant things happened, probably the most important being the facts that Lelouch's Geass has progressed to the next stage, and can no longer be turned off, as well as the fact that Geass can be resisted, and even dispelled, with willpower. (Euphy resisted the command initially before it fully took hold, and she broke it when she was with Suzaku afterwards.) And now the country's in open rebellion, and Lelouch can hardly be said to truly have control over it all. It's just chaos.

Tyrone Tyrone

The Tokyo Settlement is where most of the Britannians live in Japan/Area 11 and where their headquarters are. And remember CC has a contract and wish she want's lelouch to fulfill which I guess is the most important thing to her so she doesn't want him die no matter what.

Tyrone Tyrone

You caught two things I've always missed and forgotten. Schneizel reaction to the news and that Lelouch and Euphy have the same father and are brother and sister. I don't know why, but I've always seen them as distant cousins. That's who you've been talking to this whole time? Bit*h😂😂😂


...and all of it just because Lelouce had to make clear he could have forced it to go down the way he planned if he really wanted to, to show that he chose to do that instead of having to. On the other hand, he didn't know if there were warning signs when loosing control of Geass, that's partly on C.C. Morally it's totally wrong that he takes advantage of the situation his "accident" created...but Lelouche knows a FUBAR-mission when he sees one, so he's salvaging what he can from this mess...


I actually loved that crazy twist i never seen a show doing something that unexpected haha


Well in Euphy’s case here she was physically incapable of carrying out the order so I don’t think you can show her as an example here.


Yes it is unexpected but this is a perfect example of diabolus ex machina, which is the opposite of deus ex machina. Shit needed to go down or the series would end so writers pulled this little number from their hats 😂


I believe 100% That when Lelouch said the she was the first girl he ever loved, he meant as in love love. It wouldn’t make sense if he meant it as siblings cuz he has Nunnally.


Yeah I thought the same thing. But why would he be in love with his sister? Well I guess you can’t help who you love? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Emperor Charles has a lot of wives and children. The half-siblings are not close enough. They are more like distant cousins. They may not even know all the other half-siblings.


Great reaction as always! Small tip: Make sure to not skip the opening on episodes 24/25 :)


i mean its a big family. Just like in real life when Emperor's government or whatever was made up of inbreeding family members. Also talking from experience, those that i met when i was a kid like 3-5 and never met them again and then i met them when i was 20 or so. i don't see them as family. They are family in name only, nothing else


Yeah I know they may not feel close, but they are highly more related than if they were distant cousins. They all have the same dad. They all share half of the same DNA (I’m oversimplifying of course). It’s not the same as having distant cousins where you may be separated by generations or many different people between both of you, which would therefore highly differentiate both your DNAs. But hey, I’m not judging. I’m not into my siblings or cousins, but if he is, then he is. That’s that. He can live life his way. Doesn’t bother me! I was just confused. But if that’s how he really felt, then I will respect it and leave it at that. 😁


lol. japanese animes love their siblings relationships


Yea, all of that wasn't uncommon even (I think 1 or 1 1/2 centuries ago, especially within noble families..."keeping the blood pure" & all that


Lelouch could not have said anything else his personality would not allow it... Lelouch had given up he was telling Euphy everything because she beat him and he cares for her that much... What he said was dedicated by his personality he is very serious person and when he speaks the truth (which is rare) it is the cold hard nothing held back truth... Lelouch must have thought of that command as a possible way to turn this around but decided against it. Instead going for where Euphy kills Zero as that minimizes casualties... This massacare was probably his calculated worst case scenario and his serious and brutally "Honest" personality made him use it as an example when explaining his power... Lelouch could not have said anything else and it lead to this... Where it someone else with the same power in the same circumstances... Things might have been different...


Lelouch is not an asshole for making Euphy the villain... The things got out of his control and this is the only thing he can do... Being asshole about it would be having all this happen and then not even using it... that how Lelouch sees it and that how I see it... or would he be less of an asshole if he did nothing? Just went into shick and started to grief his eyes out? NO! This was not the time for that Things got out of control but it provided an opening not using that opening would be adding insult to injury... Is it right to do this HELL NO!... Is it what he had to do... Regrettably yes...