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So because of a comment in the past, I had the impression that the empire was going to war because they couldn’t agree on where a borderline should be drawn. I guess that isn’t the case.....??? Because of this misconception, I was angry with the empire for going to war over something like this. I’m not saying you should let others invade, so I really hate that people on YouTube are assuming I said that. Anyway, my question is, should I even bother finishing Tanya reactions? The reason I’m asking is because a lot of people seem to be upset by my reactions. Is it even worth it? Do you guys even want to see it? Maybe I should just post it on Patreon only? Idk. I feel lost. What do you guys think?



I enjoy them so personally I do not want them to stop.


Frankly I would rather see you finish it but it’s up to you

Corrupt Zain

i think you should finish i enjoy your honest reactions


I would vote finish. A show evoking a strong emotional response shows you're paying attention. Sure, you may have misunderstood, but they're massively overreacting. I personally very much enjoy those reactions, and you're very close to the end.


I’ll be honest I wasn’t 100% sure on the reason behind the empire going to war and your assumption made sense so I was thinking the same things as u more or less I personally would love for u to finish it especially since u really don’t have much left and it’s gotten to a really anticipated part for u and I think it’s mostly the yt people that have said things against u and your thoughts on the show but obviously it’s completely up to u whatever u do that minority will have to deal with it at least that’s what I think


To be honest I didn't watch the anime itself so I don't watch your Tanya reactions. But considerind this is the first time you are watching i find it normal for you to have some misunderstandings. It's not easy to keep up with the subtitles and a foreign language so some things are better understood with multiple viewings. I am sure they are overreacting and i would recommend you finish your reactions.


tanya wasn't a typical show where lines are cut clearly, it is normal to feel confused or misled by some of the information, even now i still have no idea who started the war. This may stray off the topic a little, but one thing is for sure is that you can't really please everyone because they all have different opinions, i didn't agree with your views on overlord but that didn't made me unsubscribe, in short i think you should finish the series strong, put the bad thoughts behind, if you want to you can study extensively on what really happened in tanya and explain about the misconception at the front of your video? Anyway all the best, and make a decision that you wont regret later on. =)


Depends...do you enjoy the show/ doing reactions on it? If yes, yes...if no, you don't have to force yourself to "pull through" for us. 🙂 Don't put so much thought into youtube comments; as far as I can tell most of the posters there don't either 😜 Youtube comment-section happens when mostly choleric, uncaring people get an anonymous space to lash out & throw tantrums without any repercussions 😑 As far as I understood it, the war between Entente Alliance & Empire began during Tanya's training exercise in Norden (The Entente-convoy entering Empire territory, her acting as a spotter for the artillery & the first air-fight where she self-detonated & got her medal awarded); on Republic vs Empire I have no info, but if it's based on real-life Germany & France, it's most likely mutual revanchism going back and forth & claims of both side's rulers on the same territory that date back ages... so basically, both say area x is rightfully theirs and noone wants to back down because "they're more responsible than us" and "we can't give up and loose face"


I mean one of the underlying themes of the entire show is that war is awful and that it's really not worth it for any reason, so your interpretation that they didn't have a good reason for war (border dispute) is fine. If you like the show then I would finish it, you're nearly done anyway. This is why Tanya is mechanical about it all and constantly just tries to get out of the war or end it, the only reason she even joined the military is because she would have been drafted otherwise. She thinks the empire's motivations and policies are just as idiotic as any other organization's, she just accepts humanity's weaknesses and exploits them whenever she can so she can live as well as possible. It's also why she belittles the people that are "crazy patriots" who actually believe in their country's righteousness and just get themselves and others killed.


Idk what anybody else says, your honest reactions are THE BEST because thats what we call TRUE reacting


I want to see your reaction to episode 12 regardless.


Ofc people will be upset when you hate main character.. you are tottaly agains her and laughing on her/him.. when something Bad happen :D second episode was hard to watch already.. (im on episode 3).. its unwatchable on mega.. i need to download it and watch it from my pc (not browser) but if you watched 10 you may aswell finish it.. Also there is a movie thats just as great as season one :)


I enjoy watching ur reactions. I say finish it and the movie aswell, which is really good


I want to see you finish it. Besides there are only a couple of episodes left.

Lee Coleman

I believe that the war is from the start of WW1 but with other countries involved. So in ep1 was the western front ie with France. Then they add things in from WW2 the northern front ie Norway. So it’s not as easy to understand as they have almost combined both WW in to a single war.

Lee Coleman

Also if the YouTube are being negative just make it a Patreon only show


I think you should finish it and if you don't feel comfortable on youtube make it patreon only. I love watching your reactions. Don't get discouraged and just be you.


That why i dropped watching Tanya. If you like it keep watching regardless of negative comments.

Matthew B

I enjoy your tanya reactions.


If you want to continue it, do it. If people are looking for what they want to hear and not a true reaction then it’s their problem. You don’t owe them anything. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll continue to support it.


Ultimately it's up to you, I personally enjoy your Tanya reactions and the after episode discussion everyone always has in the comments but I understand if the comments are getting to you. I think that's why I like Youjo Senki so much, it makes you think. What is good and evil? If you follow the rules, does that make you a good person and if you break them does that make you evil? Do rules have anything to do with morality? And if not, why do so many religions have rules? If Tanya is evil for her actions at Arene, is Gantz evil too? Is General Zettour evil for using Tanya's loophole to bombard cities to make the plan? Is Anson evil for not listening to his subordinate to retreat and getting him killed? And then, let's play devil's advocate. If you were the family of a frontline soldier (brother, sister, mom, dad, etc.) and you were at home praying for your loved one to come home safely but you get a knock on the door informing you they have died. If they explained that your loved one was killed because of partisans (non-soldier militants/guerilla fighters, like the ones seen in Arene) retook a city after that city surrendered and laid down their arms, you would probably see them as evil. It might make you even feel more like that after learning that multiple evacuation warnings were issued before and after hostilities warning the innocent civilians to leave, but the enemy soldiers refused to aid the civilians in evacuation to maintain strong firing positions. Well who is evil then? The soldier firing the gun, or the soldier refusing to put his down? War is not a place for good and evil because it isn't the action of an individual. It is the action of a nation. Nations can't be good or evil anymore than a race, cultural, or religion can. Some of the people within the groups might be but the group itself is not good or evil. Same for war. War is the collective national means of enforcing their political will onto another nation. Nothing more, and nothing less. This is also the reason you often time see soldiers down the road go meet the foes the faced on the battlefield. It was never personal, they were doing what they were ordered to do and what they thought would end the war as soon as possible (which every soldier and nation want). And I know you don't like the idea of a person saying "Well I was ordered to do that, what was I supposed to do?" And I agree. When we are lying on our deathbeds, we will know exactly what was wrong and right. On the flip side however, how is it any better letting the higher ups, who orchestrated the entire situation in the first place, get away without them facing justice? After all, they didn't pull the trigger so how can they be responsible? The war criminal soldiers merely misinterpreted the orders and therefore the higher ups hands are clean. This is their argument. The same argument that has saved countless of powerful people in high places while allowing a patsy to take their place. Justice and morality is a tricky social construct. But anyways... yea I enjoy the reactions. Just my two cents :)

donald johnson

you need to stop listening to the haters. 90% of people love your content. we wouldnt be here otherwise. dont let the minority get to you. your doing awesome

Kevin Baker

Keep watching please. Let the drama queens to their games.

Tyrone Tyrone

Just two cents?😵 😄You need to add some zeros and move the decimal point...and I agree 100%😄

Tyrone Tyrone

I vote finish watching it, but make it Patreon only. I haven't read the Manga, but I have the feeling it's going to have a great finish. For the future I vote for leaving shounen, slice of life, comedy and lighter stuff for YouTube. Example, Death Note...Patreon only. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood...Youtube/Patreon. I would even move Code Geass to Patreon only because it's about to take things up a level.

Tyrone Tyrone

YouTube can be a much more toxic environment for a content creator and staying in toxic environment even if you think you can handle it is dangerous to anyone's mental health. It wears you down and affects you eventually. You and your family stay healthy.


If you've been enjoying reacting, then I say continue to do so and post them on youtube. I think a lot of the comments on youtube were trying to.. debate you to a degree, and maybe change your mind on Tanya and potentially fix any misconceptions on some issues that might have been had. It is a common thing that if you like a show/character, you want to defend them explain the point of view, especially if it's to somebody who has an opposing view, and this can lead to debates which can lead to some very intriguing discussions about things. Admittedly, some people can get a bit overzealous in that regard... but it should be noted, if these people keep cropping up in your comments section talking, that shows they enjoy your content irregardless of any disagreements about a character, so don't take that to mean they hate you. Of course, there were some people who were being absolute pricks about things and being mean and not trying to healthily debate/talk about things.., which is admittedly par for the course with pretty much any youtube comments section eventually, especially for reactors.

James Hardin

I've been thinking a lot about how much of a visceral reaction you've had to some of the stuff in this anime... It didn't affect me in anything even close to how you reacted. I think it's because I was in the military and part of a military family. All Tanya has done in the series is use stuff that's common knowledge in our modern era. Basically every tactic and strategy that they use in this show comes from real life. (Well, apart from shooting rockets filled with Mages at the enemy - that's something you won't see in our world :) ) Now you're right about the fact that you can choose not to follow orders. It's part of what I was taught in the military. You must follow Lawful orders. But it gets really hard to figure out what an unlawful order might be sometimes. Anyway... all I can say about finishing the series is that you should do it if you want to see how the series ends and who cares what the YouTube crowd thinks? I personally think you should just watch what you want, when you want to... if people (including patrons) want to come along for the ride, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. Do what you enjoy. That's all :)


I’ll admit that I find it frustrating when people don’t remember stuff that would answer their own questions - but I am of the type to wait for an anime series to finish and then find a free day to binge watch the whole thing. Very likely read the manga and/or light novel as well. Meaning details stay fresh in my head pretty easily. To be perfectly honest the fact that you have the patience to react to these episodes one at a time over the course of weeks is something that I have a lot of respect for - and I don’t blame you at all for not remembering something that was explained rather briefly in episode 2. Plus if you do boil it right back then your assessment of it all being over a “stupid border” isn’t even wrong. The only real wrong thing is that you seemed to believe that the Empire started the whole war. They didn’t. But they are carrying on with it way more than they have to. Then again - so is everyone else. And war is a downright horrible thing. And the anime does know this. So I think you should finish it. Also - do yourself a huge favour and don’t read too much of the youtube comments. Lots of people out there who will just grab on to something you got wrong and try to hurt you with it for fun. Only way to win a fight like that is to not take part in it.


I might not agree with everything you say, but that doesn't make a bad reaction. Would at least want to see you react to the movie.


This is very late, so I don't know if you'll see this comment. Especially since it seems like you've decided to finish Youjo Senki. I just wanted to say a few things. If you genuinely don't like the show, please don't force yourself to watch it. But if you do like it, know that I personally really enjoy your reactions. You have a unique perspective that's interesting to watch and I like that you have an opinionated take on it whether or not I agree with you. It's probably inevitable that you'll get some blow-back when you criticize a popular show or don't align with the main character, but part of the reason I joined your Patreon is because of your perspective and because you're willing to be vocal about it.