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It's nice to have this episode as the calm before the storm. You're spot on about why Lelouch is infuriated. In addition, it's because he never cared about the wellbeing of Japanese, equality or justice whatsoever. It has always been a hoax to lure people into his cause as his pawns. Euphemia single-handedly crushed his organization's reason to exist without even thinking about it.


Schneizel Schneizel Schneizel.. that man is both charming and terrifying just from the surface..Also, Lloyd is asexual, he only cares about science.


and it is a bit more than that by doing this the brittaninas are eliminating any chance of a possible rebellion from the Japanese so with that action Brittania pretty much goes uncontested becouse until this time Brittanias greatest threat was inter turmoil. I personly believe that this will not last forever in a few hundred years the special zone will be removed and any chance to get rid of Brittania will be over. I highly doubt that eupy was thinking of that, but that is why schneizel approved it for the benefit of Britania.


BTW everyone be careful of spoilers


Well going from your theory, I don't think there's a reason to get rid of the zone, it does not undermine Britannia's authority and their absolute control remains unchanged. Even if it's just a few centuries or even just a few decades, it's more than anyone can hope for in that world. I personally support the special zone as it is the chance for Britannians and Japanese to learn to coexist. It can prove that bloodshed is not the answer.


Well I don’t really agree with that Britannia is a absolute monarchy and I think it is very important that is destroyed in some way(ether reformed in to a democracy or dismantled in some way), on it current path it will take over the world and from history and how absolute monarchies act and what we know from Britannia they don’t really care about the average person and while 11s from area 11 will benefit in the short term, all other oppressed groups that are simply not strong enough to fight back will continue to be oppressed by the government. Simply put a monarchy no matter how just can’t fully recognize and fulfill the needs of all its people, greed is human nature and even if the current emperor does nothing bad that does not mean the next one won’t be a tyrant. I can’t accept that they should let a one person with so much power exist, by not fighting back you are possibly condemning many more people to bad lives.


I think Euphemia and Suzaku acting that way because of their titles. And the fact that he is japanese doesnt help either. Like they can not show all of their feelings in front of crowd, but they do love each other.


Basically, Euphy archieved 2 things (whether it was her goal or not): 1. she reassured the people rooting for Suzaku & supporting/ submitting to the Britannians, at least letting them believe that not resisting & complying pays off. 2. She took away the rebels' biggest goal; Rebels: "fight for your rights!" Euphy: "Ok, so now you have a zone where you have the rights you were fighting for without having to kill anymore, so you should be happy, right?" Rebels: "Uh...." Also the maid might be undercover in the school with all the britannian students/ noble children; wonder how she would react when she realizes that one of the students she's spying on - or even be ready to take action against - is not only royalty, but also the non-japanese leader of the resistance she wants to join


I mean, there are gay/ asexual characters in other shows, but I like how Code Geass doesn't make it their defining character trait; they're more than "the token gay-girl/guy for inclusion points"


Why did I find it so funny the way u said u were about to eat a cookie when u got up during the intro lmaooo


20:33 we said "oh fuck" at the same time hahahaha


It’s up to your personal preference. I’d rather not see any more bloodshed and I’d compromise for this if I was there. I’m like that old lady for a brief second in this episode. “As long as there’s peace, I don’t care” If even Britannia is trying to play nice and diplomatic there’s no reason to be war hungry. Besides, dont forget they are fighting an empire with 1/3 of the planet and they have NOT shown 90% of their strengths. You’re essentially given the choice by Euphy and Schneizel to choose this zone or die. That being said I do understand what you’re saying so my solution would be keeping your weapons in case the oppressing days comes back and people are forced to fight again.


Better off doing that than watching it. This intro is so awful I thought they ran out of budget and just pulled some random song off soundcloud


Ok I see where you are coming but I is clear you and me have very different ideologies which is fine. I think war is something justified and I believe this is one of the times. I come from the mind set that a government main job is to serve there citizens and when they fail to do so the civilians have a right to rebel. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness” Btw I enjoy debating with you because I can see where you are coming from and it is always civil and never goes to personal attacks


As long as people are happy and living in prosperity, it doesn't matter to me what system that country runs, that's what I believe in. I too enjoy the discussions with you it's rare to see a different point of view being civil about their points. It's just that easy for people to get along even if they are different.


Ya I will call it off here but this one nice talking. one thing I would like to say is I agree that as long people are happy and living in prosperity it doesn’t matter how to the government is run but I think it is impossible to retain a good government of the people in a authoritarian government, I study political science and from what we have seen is absolute monarchies can’t work for the good of the People for a prolonged period of time, a good video explaining this is: https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs I recommend you watch it but I don’t care what type of government is in place but it is simply impossible to maintain a good monarchy it goes against its nature.


I see. I major in Criminology, laws, and justice. Naturally, we have a different focus when it comes to issues like this. It's fascinating.


yes and that is exactly why I love Code Geass so much, there is no really correct solution to any problem no side I fully good or bad, personly I agree with zero more than the Brittanian government and Suzaku but that is just me and in this anime, there is no fully correct side.


Does Euphemia have authority to do what she did?


Just by herself? Nope. But Schneizel approved her plan.


I saw about Schneizel, but it doesn't change much, same question apply to the 2nd prince.


Have you seen the show before? Ofc he has all the rights.


He's the imperial prime minister, he can make all these decisions by himself without the Emperor. It doesn't change much but it will be the critical first step.


Let's just say that Charles does not care about the affairs of the world that much and thus his children (especially those at the top like Schneizel) Have a lot of power...