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If the Chinese Federation has a war with Britannia in Japan, the whole country would be turned into a war zone. A lot of civilians would be killed. Tanya would sit back and let the Chinese invade, then stab Britannia in the back, and make a deal with the Chinese to get their support. I still don't think Lelouch cares about the Japanese. If he caved in to the Chinese, he would lose support of the Black Knights. He can use them as chess pieces better than he can the Chinese Federation. By not cooperating with the Chinese, he is sending the message that he cares about Japan more than defeating Britannia. He's really confident that he can win without their help, but I don't think he's delusional enough to want to defeat the entire Britannian military. Just the royal family and his father.


Well in order to get his revenge on the royal family and his father, Lelouch pretty much has to wipe out the entire Britannian military. Otherwise, he wouldn't even get close to their capital.


Great justification on why Suzaku has to be Lelouch's enemy from a writing point of view. Just look at how unstoppable they are when they work together, the story wouldn't be very interesting at all.


"Ahhh~! They're so cute~!" Hell yea, they are! *big smile*


@AwakeProductions No need to correct the way you pronounced Suzaku's name, it's the right pronunciation in Japanese, whoever told you otherwise is ignorant.


Pretty much this. The average civilian in Area 11 has a stable, fairly decent life. (The Japanese less so, especially in the ghettos, but that's exactly why the resistance exists.) While both sides of the civil war between Britannia and the rebels have done things that have led to the death of civilians, overall, they've actually both been pretty good at keeping things focused on military targets. An external, invading, occupying force would completely change that. The invading force would have no choice but to disrupt infrastructure and cause harm to the local civilians. They wouldn't be able to make a proper stand, otherwise. Far more civilians would be harmed by letting this become open warfare in the streets of all the cities, civilians who already don't want anything to do with the war. And, as Zero said, even if they let it happen, it wouldn't change anything for the Japanese: they'd just be exchanging their Britannian slavemasters for Chinese ones. The name of the country would change back to Japan, but the actual people would be worse off than ever.


Damn I love this anime.

Tyrone Tyrone

Lelouch cares even less about Britannia than he does about Japan. He doesn't want to personally take over, he just wants a world where Nunnally can live happily. Prince Schneizel is a very talented middle child with an older brother and sister Guinevere de Britannia the first princess (Cornelia is the second princess) and has some middle child issues.


These two idiots( Lelouch and Suzaku) are starting to irritate me. What a bunch of hypocrites. One is talking about "For Japan's sake", while he did literally NOTHING to liberate his country, on the opposite all he is doing is getting in a way of people, who are trying to. And the second is talking about "selfish" reasons, while he is manipulating and playing with people's life for his personal reason and vendetta. What a bunch of clowns, who can't look at themselves before talking nonsense. Also, I hate Euphemia at this point. From episode to episode my dislike was growing towards her, but this retarded love confession at that moment was a nail in the coffin.


Lelouch and Suzaku I can still understand, but what do you have against Euphemia..


As for Lelouch and Suzaku, you can think of it this way, Suzaku has his own plans for liberating japan and the black knights are in the way. While Lelouch, we all knew from the start he’s doing all of this for his petty revenges and Nunally even when she never asked for it, so I’m not sure why you’re surprised about it


Honestly, I don't think that "go and get help if you can't win alone" instead of a symbolic heroic sacrifice is a bad idea...it's just that a) he did it for the riches (instantly claiming the mining rights) b) used japan's liberation as an excuse instead of it being his real reason and c) well...even if it still hadn't been for free; couldn't he have brought help a bit earlier, like, when the Britannians didn't control the whole country yet?


I gotta agree that with Euphi’s confession it felt off. It felt forced.


also, after Diethard pointed out the message Lelouche's interference would send I'm not sure how much of it was to help Suzaku/ fend off a new opressor that would replace the old one and how much of it was for PR.


Calling a guy who is in the midst of the hot battle to confess her love for him, for example.


Yeah about the love confession... as I rewatched it, it made me laugh. It was out of nowhere and it didn’t really feel right. It was cheesy too. It felt like there was honestly no passion in it. Like bad acting in a movie lol.


that wasn't done in the best manner I can agree, but I still can't comprehend the hatred for her.


This anime is 100% one of my favorites of all time and I'm super excited to see your opinions on some things Lelouch is gonna do in the future this reaction is already my favorite one of yours and I can tell it won't change going forward