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ya, peoples believe are 99% of the is based on their experiences even if they don't consciously know it. I disagree with you on some stuff but I respect your point of view I find it hard to fully understand it but I realize we have different experiences in our lives that change our views but that being said I really like how you think about things in the anime rather then just kindas accepting it like many other reactors.


Zettor was stone-walling the other officials. When he said he appreciated the resources other departments contributed to the war, he was being polite while not answering their questions. The territory dispute is between Legadonia and Germania. No clear reason was given for the hostility between Francois and Germania. Francois invaded when Germania was preoccupied with sending its main force against Legadonia, so Francois was slightly more at fault. It's better if the Empire wins the war. Hitler and the NAZI party rose to power after Germany lost the first war and had to pay huge repariations to the victors. They used the Jews as scapegoats for losing the war. The Empire would make Francois sigh a peace treaty so Francois doesn't invade them again, without the genocide part. Even in real history, the Germans were not the bad guys in WWI like they were in WWII. If there is peace at last, Tanya would use her talents to modernize the Empire's economy. She might still fire people left and right for being incompetent, like how she was firing at people left and right on the battlefield. I would be probably OK with it if Tanya was ordered to rape me. Rule 34 Tanya waifu FTW.


ya I think for many people they think Germany was bad in ww1 becouse of the events that happened in ww2 but in ww1 there was no clear good or bad side unlike ww2


Oh boy a lot to unpack here: If you've watched man in high castle, and hunters, appreciate that both these shows are based on hate baiting, they needed a villain they lazily picked Germany. These shows hould not serve as historical, political, or cultural bases. We can fill libraries with discussion about what war is, what it's for, and why it keeps happening. I'l confine myself to a paragraph. It is not about lines on map, it's about whose people get to thrive and who's do not. The smartest soundbite to explain it, is that a long time ago, before we learned to write our history we learned to kill. We killed the animals that prayed on us. For safety we took ourselves off the food chain. But there's a side effect, a society (human or animal) can not be healthy without challenge, war is a mutation of predation, we hate it. But we can't function without it. Good news tho sense WWII war has gotten progressively less bloody, mostly thanks to spy satellites and the atom bomb. We might slowly wheen ourselves off it.


One of many things that came out of ww1 was urban warfare, and total warfare. According to scholars a fortified defending force enjoys a 7 to 1 advantage over attackers. Those are huge odds. Sometimes it's not just about being lazy and not willing to commit 7 guys to fight 1 knowing that 6 of them will die. It's that you just dont have enough. There was a time when armies would look for a wide open field, that time was brought to an end by the machine gun. From then on fighting in built up areas was the only viable defense

André Bessa

Killing the enemy survives, serves to your army not lost reusorces (food, lodging,etc), but burn then it's not cost efficient, bullets ou blades do the same.


Unusually for the World War I-like setting of the anime, the tanks used by the Empire are identical to real-world Panzer III tanks used by Germany in World War II. They are the Ausf. L with a 50mm L/60 gun that were introduced at the End of 1941/ 1942. The Empire drifts more and more to WW2 Weapons, while the other Nations still use Weapons that were used in WW1. ^^ Oh and 1 more Thing, the Explosion the Empire created under a Part of the Defensive Trenches of the Republic happend in Real Life in WW1 ( but it was British Army that dig tunnels under German Trenches) At the start of the Battle of Messines (7–14 June 1917) during the First World War, a series of underground explosive charges were detonated by the British Army beneath German lines near the village of Mesen (Messines in French, historically used in English), in Belgian West Flanders. The mines, secretly planted by British tunnelling units, created 19 large craters and are estimated to have killed approximately 10,000 German soldiers. Their joint explosion ranks among the largest non-nuclear explosions of all time. They used around 454 tonnes of ammonal and gun cotton at all. One of the mines (La Petite Douve Farm) was abandoned after discovery by German troops and not blown up, another (Peckham 2) also abandoned after a tunnel collapse. Both are likely, in addition to the mines Birdcage 1, 2 and 4, until today sharply charged and possibly still ignitable. However, it can be assumed that the tunnels are now completely flooded. The first mentioned mine with its 25 tons of explosives is considered the largest not yet recovered explosive charge in the world Birdcage 3 was also not blown up during the First World War, but also remained charged and exploded in 1955 during a thunderstorm. The explosion killed a cow. The position of three other unexploded and sharply charged mines (birdcage 1, 2 and 4) is no longer well known. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mines_in_the_Battle_of_Messines_(1917)


On a sidenote: the reason for the war seems to be pissing her of, so I'm wondering...has there ever been a war that was NOT waged because of resources/ politics/power? I can't think of a single one...anyone else got an example? I don't mean it isn't shitty, I just mean that, just because the Empire is in the focus in this anime, the other countries fight/ intervene for more virtuous reasons; as far as I can tell the outside forces just get involved because they don't want the Empire to gain more power than them after winning a war against 2 (or more) countries.


There's nothing wrong with you having your own opinion, we can always just agree to disagree. 🙂 I honestly don't get why you expect everyone to get pissed over it. I mean, what you're saying is isn't wrong, just....veeery idealistic... like: the world would likely be a better place if more people (mostly the ones in charge/ doing shit) were like you, but survival instinct/ submitting to authority/ etc. makes people do an awful lot of stuff; there's even scientific research on it. (examples: The Milgram Shock Experiment, the crash of a rugby team in the Andes...) Don't get me wrong, I give you a lot of credit for your strict opinion on right or wrong, but sadly...in a crisis, when push comes to shove, the assholes would survive, while people like you would die...with a clean conscience, but dead nevertheless. My of thumb: if you dance in a club & care what people think about it, you're doing it wrong. 🤣 Not going that often anymore, but you're there to have fun, so have fun, and f*** the rest^^ Don't know about Zettour's personality, but Generals & other strategists are so far off the front they don't feel the reality anymore, just seeing numbers and win-to-loss ratios. The reason he didn't answer any questions in one word: OPSEC If only the people who really NEED to know have information on their plans, the information can't get leaked to the enemy by carelessness.


I expect a lot of people to get pissed, because a lot of people do/have gotten pissed, especially in the YouTube comments.


Sorry to hear that 😕 almost impossible to have a civil discussion/ exchange on the internet without someone telling you to go and get cancer...but hey, proves my decision to not read youtube comments anymore right, silver lining! 😅 Anyway, don't let them discourage you; it's good to have your own opinion, even if you're in the minority, that's what we're here for! 🙂

Tyrone Tyrone

The war is not about a border, it was just the excuse for the war by the higher up politicians. The Empire/German was much stronger than any of the other countries but they were surrounded by them. And since they were hostile to the Empire/German and had fought with them before the generals came up with a plan (315) to attack the the other countries one at a time just to push them back a little to keep them off the borders, but the higher up politicians got so cocky with the success of the army they told the generals to go further and attack the Entente Alliance/France because they thought the Entente Alliance/France wouldn't escalate it into a full scale war. The generals tried to tell them that it would but the higher up's didn't listen. Go to the first episode 3:15 - 4:00 and 4:46 - 5:12. I think we all love the feelings you put into the reacts. That's what takes them to a higher level than just being able to see what's coming or being surprised.

Tyrone Tyrone

What's it going to be like after the Empire/German wins. 🤔I see you haven't thought it all the way through. You missed that one.😀 And you're completely right on following orders. It's actually a military rule and part of the oath you take when you join. Lots of German soldiers were hung and sent to prison for trying to use I was just following orders as a defense for what they did.


Will you be reacting to the movie?


That's wrong. The Entente Alliance instigated things originally by marching into Imperial territory, and they got heavily wrecked by Imperial retaliation. The Republic joined the war against the Empire because they didn't like them and the Empire was new to the world scene and they didn't want to let the Empire get too powerful. The Empire didn't start anything.


Yeah, if the Empire loses the war, you've got what, two nations that would be heavily seeking revenge against them, the Entente Alliance and the Francois Republic, and would seek to impose heavy concessions from the Empire. I mean, at this point at least, who knows if more will join.