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Also, I posted a poll on YouTube for you guys to vote on which show you’d like to see me react to next. This show will be replacing my hero academia season 4. Go vote now!!



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The V-1s depicted are similar to those used during World War II, aside from a few notable differences; they're powered by five engines as opposed to one, the fuel is hydrogen rather than petroleum, and the units serve as high-speed, long-range transports for mages instead of cruise missiles with a 500kg Explosive Warhead. The mages are carried internally, occupying a crude cockpit located just behind the nose-mounted warhead. The V1 was, to take it short, the first Cruise Missile of the World. It didnt had a perfect Aim System ( but still better then anything that other Nations had), and High Boosted Allied Fighter Planes could shoot them ( The V1s in WW2 could travel with around 700Km/h) down, but this technology was 20-30 Years ahead of the Western Allied Scientists Knowledge.

Tyrone Tyrone

The rule for sociopath vs psychopath is that psychopaths are born without a conscience and sociopaths learn and try to bury theirs. We don't have enough of Tanya's backstory in our world to say for sure, but so far she is clearly a psychopath and Lelouch is a sociopath.


I actually don't think she really WANTS to kill innocents it's just that like she said in the last episode, she has a belief that there are people who will come back in the long run like with that kid u know like he would want revenge against the empire so she believes she's doing what's necessary for her future


Also I'm subbed to a few anime reactors on patreon and yt and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate how u go about your reactions a lot of people don't have much lengthy discussions about the anime and its meanings as well as not really caring too much on pricing and whatnot to a certain point so thank you for being you


Also did u see they postponed the re:zero new season release due to the corona virus it's gonna be July instead of April


Postponing Shows because of Falce Panic Making with something like a Virus, that they let out because they wanted it ( and the best Thing is, Coronavirus has a official Patent Number) is really sh.. I hope they dont do this with other Shows.

Mad Goldsmith

I mean, there are shows who got an episode delayed such as Railgun T because of COV-19, but yeah, there hasn't been a postponing yet other than Re;Zero 2 Most places in Japan should get opened again during April-May. Also, the CCP actually downplays the scale of the virus. Anyhow, you're only really in danger if you are already either of old age or have a severe illness already.


for her, it's a matter of probability; a child, former citizen of a city you personally conquered & bombarded that already hates you and - if it desn't try to kill you - best case has no influence on your life? -> better take out a future enemy some random guy with no negative inclination/intentions towards you, has no reason to oppose you and even worst case probably won't have a negative impact on your life? --> no danger, nothing to gain, not worth the effort not trying to excuse anything, how she treats people in her way - or even on her side, but deemed incompetent - is still shitty, but not irrational.


It's exactly the point of shows like that to have an opinion, everything right on your end; she's not supposed to be (easily) relatable. 😉 Tanya is - talking about her morals - a pretty shitty person, but...her soldiers are just soldiers, average guys in wartimes. I get what you say about them having a choice & that they don't have to follow morally wrong orders...but I think wars where "the Good" fight "the Evil" for altruistic reasons are a fairytale; war - and, by extension, the need to put survival as the #1 priority - brings out the worst in humanity. My best history teacher taught us all a little trick in class, when we were reviewing historical events & thinking about the "Why" of so many turns in history: Think evil. It was disillusioning at the time, but in 90% of the cases, if you asked yourself "why would a SELFISH person in xy position of power do that?" you would arrive at the right conclusion. Side Note: The reason Tanya seemed troubled about the plan in the train-scene probably was that her unit (and thus her) would be the rearguard; basically holding the enemy back till the last moment while the other units that normally help you hold the line/ cover your flanks retreat.


@awakeproductions! It’s all about perspective and probability. If they are likely to turn against the empire in the long run because of their build up hatred, they have to take them out before that happens.


@mathias I don’t agree with any of those statements about the coronavirus but yea it sucks they delaying stuff

Zombie Muffin

One should also note that the anime highlights her brutality. The anime makes her seem more cruel than she actually is.

Zombie Muffin

Her (more or less established personality description from the novel): Tanya is a very complex character. In her past life, Tanya described herself as someone with many complexes and that he was twisted. She has both superiority and inferiority complexes, which is shown by how she compared herself to real geniuses she couldn't compete with, while also desired to be above others. Sociopath Tanya has a lot of sociopathic traits; cold, calculating, and often sees others as objects she can use to her advantage. This allowed her to rise rapidly through the ranks of her careers in both lives. Tanya places her faith in numbers, following the Chicago School of Economy, which states that everything has a price. This could be seen from how effectively she picks and raises her subordinates to be a valuable human resource she can use. This also allows her to become a very efficient commander as she is both a decisive strategist and cunning tactician who is not hindered by her emotions. Tanya also sees herself as a profitable human resource, doing everything to raise her value in the eyes of her superiors, which drives her to put up a front of the perfect soldier since her recruitment. This impresses and also unnerves her comrades, particularly Erich von Rerugen, who considers her a psychopath for her ruthlessness. Sometimes, this trait also becomes a disadvantage to her, such as her lack of empathy that disables her from putting herself in other people's shoes. In particular, her lack of insight of possibility that the people she offended by her callous dismissals would take revenge on her. Libertarian She is also a libertarian, as it could be seen from her monologue about freedom of will and goal for a comfortable life in the rear. Something she had sought in previous life, too. This trait of personality is also the source of her frustration on how the Imperial Army treats their soldiers, in which mission is an absolute and she couldn't disobey even suicide missions. It's also why Tanya loathes Being-X for disrespecting her freedom and intending to convert her even against her will. Paragon Due to her faith in signaling theory, Tanya dons a mask of the perfect soldier. On the surface, Tanya is every bit what an Imperial soldier should strive to be. A harsh disciplinarian who still cares about the lives and safety of her troops. A stupendously powerful and brutal warrior that still adheres to international laws. A person with a sharp tactical mind, unflinching courage, and unquestionable loyalty to her country. An officer who nevertheless remains humble and respectful to even non-commissioned officers. A devout believer in religion who often calls upon God to bless her country. All of these would make her an inspirational figure, the fact that she is a young girl only makes the adults around her vow to work harder. Tanya has an iron-clad belief in her ideology and methodology, which is also why she is oblivious of the fact that what she did in her previous life didn't give the same result in her current career and timeline. More often than not, she has assumed other soldiers would share her mindset, such as refusing to apply for a dangerous assignment, leading her to a series of failures in achieving her goal. While she did notice she didn't get the results she wanted, Tanya stubbornly believes her method isn't the reason. Anime version: Though the anime follows closely to the original source, it markedly highlights the brutal and cruel side of Tanya's character. This can be seen from a number of differences in her monologue and action. In the first episode, Tanya purposely arranges the death of two insubordinate soldiers under her, while in the original source, they are simply taken off of her platoon to prevent discord. She also behaves colder and distant towards Visha; as opposed to being delighted by her help during the recruitment period of the new mage battalion, she wishes she could have left Visha in the Rhine instead.


I already posted this Text under her Episode 2 Reaction ^^


That definition of sociopath seems very broad to me. Under that definition, wouldn't everyone doing bad things be either psychopaths or sociopaths? Lelouch does lie and ignore societal norms when it suits him. He's perfectly willing to commit atrocities if it will let him win. However, I think he does feel remorse. It's just that he genuinely sees himself as the lesser evil, and uses that to justify his actions to himself. I don't think a sociopath needs to justify their actions to themselves (they may find ways to justify their actions to others), since they do not feel remorse. Whenever his justification is questioned (i.e. black knights killing Shirley's dad drives home that they are affecting innocent people), Lelouch does suffer from emotional turmoil and has to convince himself to keep going. Furthermore, unlike sociopaths, he is not aggressive or rash or prone to erratic behavior or sudden violence. He does feel remorse for his actions, but he views himself as the lesser evil and uses that to justify his actions to himself. He does form emotional bonds with many people and even does so easily. In fact, if you watch his interactions with the black knights, you can see him deliberately keeping some emotional distance between them and himself. I personally read it as a preparation in case he ever has to sacrifice the black knights. Lelouch is not a good person at all. Not even close. But I don't see him as a sociopath or a psychopath. In fact, I think the show would be much less interesting if they did make him psychopathic (or sociopathic). So much of the conflict, trauma and growth Lelouch goes through stems from the conflict between his ideals and his conscience.


The war isn't really about borders. That's just the official reason for the war. The real reason was that the Empire's military strength was threatening the balance of power in Europe, which was the cornerstone of 19th century European politics (it was how they tried to avoid wars). The empire's military was significantly stronger than the military of any other neighboring nation, so all nations in the Empire's vicinity were extremely threatened when they saw the Empire building up their military. As a result, they started building up their armies to protect themselves in case the empire decided to launch an invasion. The empire saw all of their neighbors acting hostile, so they also made preparations for war. As a result, every nation was building up their armies preparing for an "inevitable" war. The war started when the Entente alliance, while staging a military training exercise on their borders with the Empire, allowed their troops to "accidentally-on-purpose" cross the borders into Empire territory (this was in episode 2). The empire retaliated brutally and the two nations went to war. Then the Republic, which was allied with Entente also declared war on the Empire. The Dacian dukedom and the British also joined in.