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Than Dall can sure get dressed awfully fast.She goes from thong and tee-shirt to dress and stockings in the course of one conversation.


Not sure what gold means (perhaps it's banal: gold color for gold?) but it's the same color as in all other cases where Than is drawn. As for “expansion desires”—these were already discussed on pages 72-73 (well, “already discussed” for us, not for Alexis and Than, of course). The only question is why Than is so sure she'll win. We already know she won, but was it just a wild gamble… I don't think so: Than is not so stupid. Who exactly decides who's winner, huh? And who will actually ensure that Alexis will get her prise even if she'll be named winner? Or perhaps “who and how will ensure that Alexis will not get her prise even if she'll win?”


Mm, Anna's still looking good.


I'm a little confused if Than is actually in the room or not. But my goodness that last frame that shows how truly big she is.... my god. Also, can't wait to see more Anna + Alexis action!


This is quite a confusing page. Note that there are timeskip between frames 2 and 3. Than's figurehead is there with Alexis in first two panels and Than herself is there with Annabel in last two frames. It'll be better to have these as two separate pages, but I guess Zdemian does not want to stretch this comic till XXII century.


The reoccurring theme of Annabel "helping" Alexis is back... But will we actually see something this time? Last time, I feel like Alexis gulped and then all of a sudden she was in her sports outfit. Maybe the scene from the first chapter was the only one we will see...


I hope we see more of Annabel's help. Given the reaction that Alexis had in the six month jump, there seems to be some history.


Than Dall just lives before a Wall of Tit now, doesn't she?


Indeed. But I'm bet if asked she'll say the same thing Sarah said. Remember? “These girls are pretty huge. They're pretty inconvenient, always getting in the way… but, I dunno, I guess I've gotten used to them. They're a part of me.” And, as I've said previously, she has in advantage over other big-breasted girls in that story: she has a figurehead which means that she could look on herself from different angles. Without such ability one would be hard pressed to notice difference betwen 50 feet breasts cirsumstance (this is what Than has) and much bigger breasts. 100ft, 1000ft, 10000ft—what's the difference if you always see only a tiny part which alway looks more-or-less the same? One other thing: Than apparently has pretty varied seclection of outfits and she's allways more-or-less fully dressed. We've seen her four times so far and every time she had different “suitable for outdoors travel” outfits. Even here where she's in somewhat informal state (she has no shoes and glasses on her) she's not in her pajamas or tank-top but in similar “kinda-formal” attire. As if she'd planned to go out soon. Which makes no sense if the only things which people see is her figurehead! We've never see her travelling on her own anywhere so what's the story?

Johnny the Spanish Guy

you know....waIt...yeah.........fudge......Than Dall could bang herself usIng her avatar/fIgurehead.......fudge that sounds nIce.lol