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Yep. Still loving Annabel. :3


Still loving this comic! Though i'm very intrigued at how manipulating Annabel can be! xD


I'm confused... What is Alexis doing in the first frame??


Resting will be my guess. Or do you know any exercise which looks like that?


Very. She is Than Dall's right hand, after all. Note how she cut straight to the heart… and then refused to give a meaningful answer… brilliant yet scary. No wonder Alexis is afraid of her after six months.

Johnny the Spanish Guy

by my stars, those treats. The Idea of tItty sweat really provokes the beast In me. err...massIve mammary sweat.......If you'd please.


Plenty of Than and Alexis so far, I was missing them so much in part 3! Me likey


My favorite angles are when a character walks by Alexis' enormous flesh that is nearly as tall as the character and the rest of Alexis' is not even on screen.


Khimru What are you talking about? Pages with Than and Alexis took over 40% of part 3! AFICS this side-story is supposed to explain how strong and rebellious character of Alexis from pages 7-8 was brought down to emotinally sorry state of Alexis from pages 72-73 (physically she still looks fine even there). As such we should expect a lot of interaction between Alexis and Than, Annabel and, perhaps, other characters, but Alexis would always get a short end of the stick. Which is a little sad. Even if we'll forget about moral values (Alexis is not a paragon of virtue either, she obviously did some not-exactly-legal things) there are little question of balance: I don't really like stories where one character is dominating everyone else to such a degree. Especially (but not necessarilly) if said character is nominally a villain. Oh, well, there are always next chapters. And I guess I can just enjoy the view meanwhile, it's exquisite here, as [almost] always in this comic.