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Beach Episode, huh? As if we don't have enough fanservice in the main comic. Still… could be fun. Perhaps we've see pictures from these four contests? Or may be even from fifth one? Who was the champion before Than Dall? P.S. Does it mean that fourth chapter will be collection of small silly side-stories instead of some large complex story?


Ooh fantastic start to this, Than is looking nice in that orange thong.


Tiny mistake: Than is arriving on the scene in the flesh in last frame and words in last two balloons are said by her directly yet they still are are drawn using CAPI/figurehead's “robot voice” balloons and font…


She's not there in the flesh. It's more like a though balloon; I had it distinguished a bit more with a border, but it seemed to cover a lot.


Loving the start for this! Also, nothing wrong with a little beach episode :D Though given how this comic has played out, nothing about this episode will be "little" lol


Yeah.. would be great to see a contest.. but i think it wont be a fair situation.


Whenever Than Dall played fair? Of course it'll be rigged! Either Than Dall will do something to win no matter what Alexis will do or Alexis will win only to find out that victory has some crazy strings attached…

Coco Wren

I see Alexis is still staying in shape, doing squish ups.


Definitely want to see all the competitors, as much of them as possible. :)

george solis

I hope there is no limit to the ladies growth. Just saying ... :)


Of course there is the limit: the whole story happened "in the crease between pages 62 and 63". It's not an alternate history like in "Thanks a millions!" and we know that there are no [easy] way to go back since Miriam complained about that on page 69. That's the trouble with side-stories: they must fit in the already created world which has both past AND future. Of course we don't know much about said future yet: we knows ladies sizes and the fact that Boost became widespread, but that's basically all.


From what I'm seeing on these two pages limitations are extremely similar: <a href="http://help.deviantart.com/565/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://help.deviantart.com/565/</a> <a href="http://www.patreon.com/faq">http://www.patreon.com/faq</a> As for transport… yeah, this is interesting, but only in as much as we are talking long distances transportation: this was not yet shown. The general approach to walking is still the same (if you'll take a look on picture of Than Dall which actually was the very first picture added to Patreon you'll see the very same antigravity pads active and working).


I can't wait to see these two out in the wild. They belong outside without walls!


Love the overhead shot. I want to see a bunch of people just laying on top of them to get the scale of how huge they are.


I'm guessing she doesn't do pushups?


Well, it'll be nice to know which excercises she still can do. Some can probably be done with a standard equipment (not just crunch or lateral raise, but such things as bench press, chest fly with a cable machine, or seated row), some can be done with a standard equipment and some kind of elevated platform (things like squat, deadlift or cable crossover fly will probably be in this group) and some will require creative changes to the equipment (pushdown, leg curl, or upright row with a cable will be here)… pushups will be between category two and three (it's still possible but where regular guy or gal can do them without any equipment Alexis will need something non-trivial arranged). I'm not sure if Than gave Alexis the required equipment. I guess volumes four and five of "Let's Burn Some Muscle!!" (if they were ever produced) could be big hits… even if they would not be bought to be used as tutorial videos but rather as a fetish ones. Leg presses or seated rows will need quite a creative angles from operator for the viewers to have any chance to see what goes on there.


She could have her breasts hoisted upwards to clear her legs for a stationary bike.


She does not even need that. She just need a model without bike handles in front of it. Something like this: <a href="http://amzn.to/19DhjiK." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://amzn.to/19DhjiK.</a> Or this: <a href="http://amzn.to/1qHJh1g." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://amzn.to/1qHJh1g.</a> Of course she will knead her tits with her knees, but I don't think it'll be a big problem.