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Mason Dunne

Oh Alexis, you just can't escape Than! That wheel spin game show is a pretty good way of doing an audience driven story, all's it needs are some set options and combos.

The Producer

I concur. Another idea that crossed my mind is Thunderwomb. Two preggos enter, one preggo leaves (with both the fetuses).


Orbula needs to be nerfed in the next patch, and should I be concerned that I thought her to be Rita Repulsa for a moment there? So much 'Murica, with the usual 'Murican bikini top! XD C'mon! C'mon! I got my money on +6! XD


WHEEL! OF! BABIES! Nice set of sketches.


She does look like her, now I want Zdemian to draw her. I used to love watching power rangers, Rita was a great character.


Hm, I don't remember the cowgirl from Dr Lufkin, obviously she wasn't one to begin with. Guess it's back to previous sketches.


Another array of beautiful sketches. Adorable cowgirl origin story, great proportions of July 4th girl, and I really love the idea of a catwoman huddling up against the rain. I'm getting some Ultimecia vibes from Orbula, fantastic! Alexis just needs to farm up some cards and refine them into Heroes/Holy Wars.


Your sketches are better than some final art that I've seen!


I swear I recognize Dr. Lufkin from somewhere, but am too lazy to look through everything else.


Very Important Question: What is the proper ethnonym for the cow people? Cowloonians? Cowloonites? Cowlooni? Dairy? Cowfolk? Something derived from the name of the first cowgirl, who presumably loved puns? Bessie?