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Than is not afraid… which means that she expected something like that… hope it's not just “you have two filling ports, I have four, you'll never catch up”… but then we already had our complex plans refuted so… what is it this time?


Midway through, Miriam hooks up the other pumps into Than, and we engage in the first breast reduction this series has ever seen. Oh nooooo~ ("One cartload of the enemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own")


Uhm... How stretchy is that suit? Because if it's not very stretchy, Alexis is about to tear that thing apart. Not that that's a bad, thing, though. ;)


Alexis. Dramatically fisting a hand for her own benefit, because in X Amount of Time nobody else will be seeing how cool she is.


Once again. Pffft Than got this.

Clark Nova

Miri traveled to freaking Oz just to double her size. Suddenly trying to match a size Than reached, over an extended amount of time, is not a good idea. Probably why Than is not phased. She is just waiting and expecting Miri to explode. Just have to wait to see what deus ex ubera (god in the breasts... could be a good title for a future comic ;) ) Miri will pull out

Ree Mcgee

is there anything keeping alexis from just filling up until she passes than? if her own biological limits don't have some kind of factor, then the winner will invariably be the woman who is simply willing to live with larger assets. in than's case, she is so big already any further increase doesn't seem like it would change much for her.


has anyone considered that Alexis has been training her body for a massive fill up but could use her ports to get back down to movable size for a more interesting show down. We don't yet know what she is pumping up yet.


That's why I wanted to see some kind of Legalise intrigue or something like that instead of simple “who has more filler stashed away” contest. There are many possible limits which could could stop this expanstion, but, frankly, I can't imagine what could stop Than at smaller size than Alexis except for some kind of techniality or sabotage… E.g. they both could hit the very same limit, but since Than is slightly taller Alexis would be declared a winner: if Than is 4″ taller then it'll mean that her breasts have smaller cup measurement at the same volume (if Plato Voltaire-inspired bra measurement system is sued). Then Than will need to find some small and petite gal and convince her to get the same breasts as Than and/or Alexis, LOL.

Mason Dunne

You know, considering that Alexis was a physical fitness trainer and workout idol, I think that scenario is very feasible. No way she would simply just fill up to outsize Than, those ports potentially have more utility than a one way valve and are probably two way valves.


Awesome growing frames! You always manage to find creative ways to show stuff this massive in a comic