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Mason Dunne

Oh my goodness Alexis, please tell me you are just wearing falsies and you are still sporting your originals. Now that I think about it, maybe she found a form of filler and a rapid delivery system? Those ports do look like a form of liquid transfer rather than gas, like quick disconnect ports. I mean, she does have the resources of Kowloon at her disposal.


This is gonna be big.. (All puns intended =] )


Wait... She's going to do this in Than's room? Oh, snap. Shit just got REAL.


Yay. Miriam is back… and it looks like there are no secret Legalese srew-ups, no hidden meamings, etc—Alexis will just try to outgrow Than… Not sure if I like that or not… I mean: I like big breasts and I like when characters make them bigger, but I probably would have liked some intrigue more. P.S. I at least hope there are some rules similar to domain transfer rules ( <a href="http://goo.gl/9tFHr1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/9tFHr1</a> ), i.e. you couldn't change the CEO in 60 days (or may be 180 days since we are talking about large companies) again after the change. This way at least LBSM will not not turn into silly and stupid “I'm bigger/No—I'm bigger” contest…

Darth Cabbage

Alexis with(what's looking like) implants? Excellent!


I suspect this is going to become a "grow-off" in which both ladies are going to keep one-upping each other in size until Patagon suffers the same fate as Tokyo when Godzilla battled Ghidorah!


Excellent! The boob fight has finally arrived!


My completely wrong prediction: Than will seize whatever Alexis is planning to fill herself with, citing her authority in this territory. But it will turn out to be a ruse! The formula actually shrinks breasts, and Than will be left flat-chested and unable to ever grow her breasts again.

Clark Nova

This town ain't big enough for the two of us... literally and metaphorically.


I wouldn't mind Than going back to more "normal" size, if only so she can scheme some way to get big again. I hope this isn't just some one upping each other back and forth either. Past a certain point huge boobs kind of lose any sense of perspective when you're getting past Than's current levels of huge and you get to almost giantess territory but with a tiny person attached to it all.


My grief is not loss of “sense of perspective” but mostly lack of mobility. Usually boobs as large as Alexis (and even much smaller!) ones will render their owner immobile. This could be rectified with clever engineering (in LBSM world anti-gravity pads are widely used), but only to certain extent. Chapter-five-oversized Than, in particular, have not been shown outside of that one room. And even there she's not really moving. May be feet or two when she's standing up or sitting down. That's REALLY boring. I really liked previous two chapters—especially things like page 79 (where Alexis walked in Kowloon from the airport to the “Exhibition Hall A”) or pages where pATAgon life was shown (HR-lady, Amelia, … page 113 was really hilarious), etc. Than's part of previous chapter was also fine (I mean: we needed time to appracite new size of Than), but, well, I really, REALLY hope that Zdemian will find a way to make Alexis and Than somewhat mobile—in that case I would greatly appreciate the contest no matter what sizes we'll see, otherwise… meh… we could as well watch a “who'll blow up the biggest weather balooon” story. P.S. Than was shown as “kinda mobile” in 150219.jpg and 150220.jpg pictures ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1744312">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1744312</a> ) but these were just a couple of sketches. Perhaps we'll see a side story similar to DinU which will just show how Than adjusted to her life as she grew larger and larger when she moved to the “prezident's plaza”?


Awww she got implants. Don't get me wrong i love that in almost every case but not this one. I was really liking the contrast that started between her naturals and than taking a shortcut with implants. And was hoping she maybe they made a breakthrough in the boost technology. Not just a saline pump war. Was hoping she would beat her but not take a shortcut. Victory without compromise. Either way though gonna be nice to watch


Good point. Its fun to see characters grow to absurd proportions but in an ongoing series like this past a certain point you start to run into certain practical issues just with framing and so on that you don't think too much about in one shot pictures/sketches. Like you said, basic mobility is an issue even if you have super sci-fi tech to assist with mobility, then just space is an issue. Unless you're going to have all construction full of huge open rooms or outdoors in wide open areas(which I guess patagon could and does have to some extent), people as big as Than or Alexis seem like they'd be stuck in one spot most of the time, which is kind of depressing when you raelly think about it. I guess their android/robot proxies allow them to move about in a way but somehow that almost seems worse. Like they're giving up moving around themselves and forced to live via some robot/android.


As Zdemian quite explicitly explained it's not a problem of Boost technology per see, you could grow breasts of any size with Boost, but then… will you be able to sustan them: <a href="http://goo.gl/KeFpA9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/KeFpA9</a> ? Alexis could probably use Boost to grow bigger, but I don't think she could grow bigger than Than without either implants or external life-support system… and even with Boost and life-support system she'll not be able to grow “right before our eyes”… although I'm not sure just why she wanted to do that instead of growing bigger somewhere and THEN invoking clause…


Both Alexis and Than use figureheads extensively, but I don't mind that: millions of peoples are spending thousands of hours living through avatars in MMO games even today. And I'm pretty sure when we'll be able to create LBSM-like figureheads we'll use them often thus, too. But when you start living ONLY through your avatar then it becomes really depressing. I mean: yeah, you have these jaw-dropping appendages, but if you couldn't go around and flaunt them then what's the point? You avatar would look more-or-less like avatar of any other guy, after all—or else it'll hit the very same spacing problems which pushed you to use avatar in the first place.


I liked Alexis' old face better - more character. Than's face has real character, and she shows more range of emotion and mood. "Oversized Than, limited to her hangar, unable to move more than a foot or two even there" is not BORING - it's a unique and fascinating situation. I'd love to hear what she has to say about it ...


I have no idea what everyone is complaining about. IM JUST EXCITED


Sorely disappointed by lack of legalese bullshit. 4/10, would give Z more money anyway because god I love his work.


These ports look exactly like all other ports we've seen in LBSM and spin-offs ( <a href="http://goo.gl/LB3j4a" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/LB3j4a</a> or <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1654057">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1654057</a> ), although they are placed in different place than with Hostess and Than. Just why would anyone want to place them in some location where they would be highly visible in some dresses is a mystery, but that is apparenty intentional: goo.gl/qfvHN6 . It could be something else than implants, of course, but that looks highly unlikely at this point.


It may be “fascinating”, I'm not sure (“fascinating” is highly subjective), but UNIQUE⁈ What's unique about it ? Than-sized or Alexis-sized breasts are unseen in a mainstream art, sure, but in a fetish-oriented art they are not all that rare—and their owners are almost always immobilized by them. Look for yourself: <a href="http://g.chounyuu.com/tag/47/0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://g.chounyuu.com/tag/47/0</a> . I've only seen few pictures where gals with Than-sized breasts (or even Alexis-sized breasts) are portrayed as mobile. Some alorok pictures (e.g. here: <a href="http://goo.gl/rwMOzl" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/rwMOzl</a> ), few Djoser pictures (e.g. <a href="http://goo.gl/oOuDdY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/oOuDdY</a> or <a href="http://goo.gl/6pgnyf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/6pgnyf</a> ), couple of pictures where helicopters are used (e.g. <a href="http://goo.gl/PEzv1w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/PEzv1w</a> or <a href="http://goo.gl/wNrZpO" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/wNrZpO</a> ) and that's basically it. Oh and Zdemian's comics, of course. THAT was one thing (among many) which made them unique. Now, when Than is confined to that one room she STOPPED being unique! P.S. Actually there's another aspect which still keeps Zdemian's comics somewhat apart: his characters have clothes that fit them! Most characters with supersized boobs are portrayed naked. But that “have clothes that fit” trait is still many times more common than “have breasts taller then their owner's body yet still somehow able to walk” trait.


Pfffft. Than got this!