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Daniel Short

Poor Rhea, I get the feeling she really wants to be friends, but won't get the chance.


Well... I'm very depressed now.


Oh. So… Alexis decided to wallow in self-pity. For months. That's not healthy. Rhea missed all the clues, but the gulf between them is not as wide as one can imagine. Politician could NEVER say “sorry, I was wrong”. At least PUBLICLY. At least if s/he wants to STAY an acting politician. The most one could say is “I was not wrong, I just did the best I could do given the facts I knew back then”. By “an acting politician account” Rhea's talk on page 81 was absolutely humiliating admission of guilt, you know. She said back there what politicians say at the point where “normal people” say “sorry, I did a major mistake… could I ever atone for it… ask away, I'll do anything in my power”. But Alexis, being a normal gal (well, MOSTLY normal gal) probably perceived it as some lame attempt to rebuff her. No wonder she started doubting herself, Rhea, their friendship… she kind of erected a wall between herself and Rhea. It's hard to say what can be done at this point, Rhea's best hope is probably to try to talk with Alexis without this “behavior adjuster”, but after some time that mask becomes glued on so tight one will use the same approach even in non-public discussions among closest friends and family—I've observed that process first-hand (although I never was friend of someone who reached as high as Rhea did). Thankfully they are actually in [almost] the best place and time where such an attempt to bring that wall down could be done. They have no eye-witnesses (except maybe for someone who intercepts Alexis' figurehead control channel), they have an excuse to have a long, hearfelt discussion… but could Rhea even try tear down her “infallible politician” mask for a moment? Or is it glued so tight by now that she could never have a discussion without it even if she wants to? She could start with honest dicsussion of what happened after Alexis' capture. Because there are so many unanswered questions and because it's the pivotal point. Friends help each other, yet Rhea took her “sweet time” with an actual help. Months! How could she say that she's an Alexis friend if Alexis expected to become “a mattress with benefits” when they finally met? How come she never got in touch and have not even said that rescue plans are underway? Why Ysabel did what she did and was Rhea “in the know” about these deeds? And last, but not least: “where Than's request to ““encourage” Alexis' growth the best they could” originated from and was Rhea even aware about it?” This may or may not help Rhea, but it sure as hell will help readers. Because amount of details hidden from us (but obviously known to at least some characters of the comic) is staggering and now it's good point to reveal some of them.

VersusMe, Arbiter of Mermaid Law

Sadness and regret...? Is it possible she's regretting letting her size get to the point it has? After all, I can understand how living vicariously through an avatar would kill somone's sense of self.


I think it's part of the story, but I sure it's not the whole story. I think it's mostly about the trust. It looks like she trusted Rhea enough to went with her shenanigans “no questions asked”. And she was burned pretty badly. Now she just wonder if she'll be able to trust people ever again. Or even if she should try. Her mobility problems and the subsequent need to use an avatar are her own doings, mostly. But of course she couldn't avoid recalling each time she sees Rhea that while “she did that to herself” without Boost it would have never happened. In the end her biggest problem is just the fact that she clammed up. She just keeps all these feelings and memories bottled inside and they keep poisoning her worldview. I don't think she could start mentally healing without serious talk about the whole thing with someone—and I just don't see who she could discuss that with. She does not trust Rhea enough to do that, Miriam is too dimwitted to be of any help, what other options does she have? Lou? We know nothing about Lou and even if he's a good guy he was not there, he's too new to confide in. Plus he's an employee which kind of erects another kind of wall between him and Alexis.


And it all comes to a head, finally.


Clever, zdemian. Giving a speech like that with a close up of "false eyes." Nod of approval there. I like the way YOU think most of all, me thinks.