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Mason Dunne

Ah, finally, we get to hear something from Alexis! Venting time really allows perspective from characters.


That's about what everyone expected. And the moment where Alexis will explain why she's so “dour” is moved yet again. Good for the pace of comic, bad for our nerves…


I can hear it now "Oh a friend? Who cost me my business, my freedom, my BODY. Who bought me and wanted to experiment on me! Such a GOOD friend.." Also, surprised that the Figurehead has that much detail on it.


Well this definitely proves they were on friendly(VERY friendly) terms before going their separate ways(Alexis with her own corporation, Rhea going up the ranks in Cowloon).

Ree Mcgee

think i missed something. alexis is a cow now (cowloon?). did the process of changing her get glossed over or something? I was hoping for something in the last few panels to put it in context or explain it or something. Didnt they request that alexis get her size increased and order her from than? why go through the effort of manipulating her to get bigger if they are just going to change? they could have just gotten any girl to fit this role.


No, that's just a figurehead like Than had way back when we first met her. Alexis got a Bovine figurehead to get around Cowloon easier and not be completely confined to the Exhibition Hall. We don't KNOW if she went through with the genetic grafting or "calving", we haven't seen her real body yet since she last talked with Rhea over volunteering to test the viability of BOOST increasing milk production. If you look closely, you can see the interlocking "plates" that make up her skin.


Well, Alexis is better off here than in the hands of some other buyer, right? I mean she could have ended up a sex slave, or a bed. Here, she's been given a mobile body to do her passion in at the very least.


Alexis is "dour" for a good reason.She used to be the owner of a major corporation,and having room-sized tits didn't bother her.Now her body isn't her own anymore,she's in some strange unfamiliar place,and she only manages a health club.Does she get to have a say in what happens to her?NO!


You are forgetting one important fact: her corporation was not her own. Without Cowloon's help she would have been an owner of a simple gym—best case scenario. More realistically she would have been a regular worker in a health club. She's basically in more-or-less the same position where she would have been without Rhea's help and without Rhea's failure. Sure, she has unwieldy room-sized tits, but it's not as if she was forced to grow them at gunpoint—even the latest growth spurt was result of her explicit request. She could say that she was deceived by Than at Rhea's request (but have Rhea actually asked Than or just said something witty which Than misinterpreted?), but she hardly could claim that she's an innocent party in all that. Objectively speaking both parties should share the blame for that fiasco, but they could only work together again if they'll actually talk about it. So far Alexis refused to even discuss anything. That's not the way to a reconciliation. And last but not least: of course Alexis “get to have a say in what happens to her”—just perhaps not as much as same people, but then again most people have many other limiting factors (illness of relatives or friends, lack of opportunities because they are from poor neighborhood, etc). She's not in the worst position by far.


And I think we learn a lot here: Rhea is grasping at a thing of the past. Fun-lovin' cowgirl hoping things'll be like old times without considering what miss Alexis has been through.