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woah, so wait, that was her fursona or something?


Good lord...the sadness is palpable. She didn't even say the proposition. So a few more things we can assume for certain. 1. Alex has gotten bigger in her time there, not surprising as she was steadily getting bigger before being BOOST'ed, she's probably larger than Than now as her feet don't even touch the ground. Probably does not help with her current situation at all and is only adding to her depression. 2. She didn't go through with the experiment from before. 3. Miriam stayed with her this whole time(most surprising fact so far to me) 4. Her and Rhea were close friends at one time, probably before she started her "Let's Burn Some Muscle" exercise videos. And Alexis was more more toned back then as well. Damn, a very dour page and it even nearly feels like a chapter end at that.


It's an figurehead like the thing Than uses, it just looks like a cowgirl so it blends in better.


1. I would not be so sure. We've not seen her in this exact position yet. Well, may be on page 68, but there we've not seen if her feet actually touch the ground or not. She does look slightly larger than Than on page 02 of the LBSC, but that, again, could be a difference in perspective. Will wait for the more direct confirmation first. Even if she's actually bigger it could be residual traces of Boost from her her “night of a binge drinking”. 3. That's not suprising at all: Alexis flat out rejected to leave Miriam behind (on page 75). Somewhat surprised that she's with Alexis at this particular minute, though. 4. We've already had a glimpse of Alexis from that time. I think it's about when first volume of “Let' Burn Some Muscle” was shot. Very depressing page. I especially dislike the fact that she's using helmet which obviously completely disconnects her from the reality where her actual body resides and not an auxilliary brain connection like Than does. Than uses figurehead to reach places where her body (i.e. her breasts) could not go, but her actual body is something she prides, too (she even uses it to lure senators, lol), but use of helmet …it could imply two different things: A. She still hopes that such arrangement is temporary and plans to stop using it at some point. B. Alexis is now hates her own body and tries to kind of BECOME her figurehead. I'm not sure if it's A or B, but from words of Alexis it looks like it's B even if Alexis tries to portray it as A. Note that Than always dresses like she plans to go out even if she probably rarely actually does while Alexis is in her T-shirt and panties here, she clearly does not care how she actually looks. Very depressing page as I've already said.


BTW do we have any in-universe explanation for why Alexis couldn't just do a breast reduction operation? Out-of-universe explanation is kind of obvious: readers will supposedly hate it… although I, for one, if faced with a choice of two last frames, will not choose the last one. I mean: humongous breasts are good… as long as their owner likes them. But if choice is between “happy, cheerful, everything is right with the world gal with a small beasts” and “moody, depressed, crushed by a life gal with a huge breasts” then I'll pick “happy and cheerful”. Don't get me wrong, “huge breasts” are good too (even if they are as big as Alexis' ones here), but not at the cost of everything else.


Maybe it would be seen as bad press for the company. She put out exercise videos despite her growing breasts, and getting a reduction would be seen as showing the human body has limits. Can't have that! Gotta sell them dvds.

Mason Dunne

As sad as this ending is, I think that Alexis should turn to the one thing she is already doing but for herself. LETS BUILD SOME MUSCLE!! If she finds a new way...


Do you want to see something like dragonball's “move that boulder” picture <a href="http://goo.gl/7xvqE9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/7xvqE9</a> ? If Alexis will have powerful enough muscle to move again without her anti-gravity bra then she presumably will be more content, but sadly it's not a dragonball thus moves like that could only exist in Alexis (and, most likely, other) dreams.


Ah, looks like another timeskip is coming up. Poor Alexis. And it's weird seeing Miriam sad. Also, may just be me, but Alexis looks quite muscular there, I like it.


Alexis is quite muscular in the old picture, but her muscle tone in the present is nothing to write home about. Which is sad, too. I mean: she's a gym trainer, she's SUPPOSED to be muscular. Not an excessive bodybuilder-type muscular, but about how she looked in that old picture, not how she looks now. That's recent development, too: she had quite reasonable amount of muscle on her at the beginning of LBSC (look on the scenes where Annabel “plays a little” with her). It's as if she gave up on her body after the whole “wet T-shirt contest” fiasco, which is just sad. And sends us back to question of Than's request to ““encourage” Alexis' growth the best they could”: was that Rhea's doing, Than's doing or someone's else's doing? It just looks like that whole thing just kind of crushed her spirit.


Excellent muscular definition for Alexis' arm in that panel; and very nice job on the tears beading her eyes.


Oh no no, good friends shouldn't fight T-T Miriam, do something! D:


Art. This is art! I hope the author is proud of the intense reactions this set brought out. Human condition, striving, suffering, mistakes, real meaning of friendship. THIS is what literature is supposed to do. Great story. What makes anyone think Alexis is upset at her size? She gets screwed over six ways from Sunday, and she isn't entitled to feel bad? Why does it necessarily have anything to do with the monstrous breasts she worked so hard to get, and clearly loves? She became completely immobile a long, long time ago, and had no desire to get her body carved up so she could walk again. What's changed? She's proud of her enormous size, she WANTS TO BEAT THAN. Give her a little control over her own life, some friends, some accomplishment, she'll be quite happy. And enjoying her thirty-tonne burdens. . Fantastic tale, can't wait to see our mountainous girl move on. Thanks!


Ok. Before we'll go any further it's good idea to check our facts again. Shell we? We are talking about woman which was able to jump from skyscraper to skyscraper (LBSM10) and whose feet-delivered “gift” (LBSM08) Chase felt for months (he may have permanent reminder for all we know), about woman who's “a lot harder on new folks than drill sergeant muscles back there” (LBSM87), about woman who trained religiously even in captivity (LBSC01-03), about woman who was not grossly overmuscled but certainly was well-toned till the very “night of the binge drinking” (LBSC03, LBSC07, and basically all pictures of Alexis before that fateful “night”). That's on one hand. Does it look like a woman “who became completely immobile a long, long time ago, and had no desire to get her body carved up so she could walk again”, BTW? On the other hand we have that very same women who stopped training and become a “couch potato” and who's not watches TV shows instead of visiting gym (LBSM68), who's not yet chubby, but who's muscle tone have gone waaay down (LBSM91), who's no longer does her hair (LBSM91, again) and have switched to T-shirt and panties as her regular attire (both LBSM68 and LBSM91)! Does that look like a woman who “clearly loves” her body? Who's “proud of her enormous size”? Sorry, but to me it looks more like a woman who just “gave up”, who no longer have a clear goal and who's most certainly does not “want to beat” anyone, least of all Than. Sure, as BioYuGi noted it's very well possible that some small part of her “enjoys being that massive”, but I agree: it's, most likely, “a part she's not happy with”. She's looking on picture of herself from when she was “trim and lean” and weeps, for god's sake! Sure, part of it is still a betrayal she feels, but I'm pretty sure “sadness and regret” she feels is partially related to that body she was tricked into making by Than. Now, I'm not saying I want to see these “endowments” reduced, heck, if she really wants to beat Than she may need to become even bigger. Although I'm not sure if it would be called a win: Than HAVE prodded her and explicitly said that that she'll be “free to grow and grow to her heart's content” (LBSM72-73), perhaps Than WANT to see her huge and [even more] immobile (even if I don't understand why she would want that). But well, if she's Ok with her body and/or wants to go even bigger then I'll not object, it's just right now it does not look like it, it looks like she actually hates what she did to herself because of Than's meddling and if she needs/wants to have breast reduction to become content then I'm all for it. She certainly suffered enough. As for “a little control over her own life and some friends”—it'll be hard to do that if she insists on pushing everyone out. At least Miriam is still there, hopefully Alexis still have someone who she could trust. Too bad she rejects the one who could help her the most, but it's hard to brame her: Rhea's actions basically ruined Alexis life (even if that was not the intent) thus it's very hard for Alexis to start trusting her again.