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Lady Sariel

Lady Sariel stood atop one of the towering megastructures in the grand palace of the ruling council, overlooking the city that she in all but name held dominion over. From this vantage point, the entire city was laid out before her, a sprawling mass of buildings, streets, and people. She looked upon it with a mixture of pride and amusement. The people below scurried like bees, going about their business without a care for the dangers that lurked beyond the city's walls. They were oblivious to the true threats that loomed over them like dark clouds, ready to rain down destruction at any moment. The view was impressive, no doubt, but it did little to soothe her anxieties. She knew better.

She let out a sigh, her dark eyes scanning the city for any signs of trouble. The wealthy district in the centre was bustling with activity, as always. The powerful skill holders and their staff moved about with an air of superiority, with attendants catering to their every whim. Lady Sariel felt a twinge of jealousy, despite her own wealth and power. Their skills were awe-inspiring, but they were also incredibly selfish, hoarding their abilities and using them to maintain their own luxurious lifestyles.

Her attention turned to the outer provinces, where the dregs of society lived. It was a pitiful sight, the contrast between the two districts stark. Lady Sariel had done what she could to improve conditions for the common folk, but there was only so much one person could do. And yet, despite the overwhelming odds, she felt a glimmer of hope.

Her men reported to her that they had captured a young [Immortality] skill holder on his testing day, and as a result Lady Sariel couldn't contain her excitement. It was a stroke of luck, to be sure, as [immortality] skill holders were exceedingly rare. She couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the young man, so full of hope and potential, who would have his skills stripped and would be left to wither away like all the others. The irony was not lost on her.

But Lady Sariel had bigger plans for the young man's skills. The extraction ritual was a risky process, but she had faith in her artificers. The prospect of true immortality, something close to demi-godhood, was too tantalising to resist. She would become more powerful than ever before, a force to be reckoned with for centuries to come.

The thought of her own mortality persistently gnawed at her, serving as a constant reminder of her own limitations. She had mastered her current skills to the best of her ability, but they could only take her so far. The aches in her bones and the wrinkles in her skin were evidence of that. She needed something more, something that could make her truly invincible.

She chuckled again, this time at her own expense. The human condition, always striving for more. It was a never-ending cycle, a joke that no one seemed to get tired of. And yet, here she was, playing her part in the grand scheme of things.

As she gazed out over the city, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at what she had achieved. The ruling council members may be corrupt and selfish, but they were still powerful and cunning, always looking for ways to gain more strength. Lady Sariel was no exception. She knew what she needed to do to remain in power, and she had been powerful her whole life.

It was a wonder that the city had managed to survive this long, but it indeed had, largely due to her own efforts. It thrived. She had built up the city's defences, created a network of spies and informants, and amassed a vast fortune. She had once believed the city to be a house of cards. Balanced precariously on a sea of horrors, a beautiful, advanced house of cards. Now that she would be immortal, her house would transform into a house of steel, a house of diamonds; one that could weather any storm or catastrophe.


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