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In the heart of the strange jungle, Alex watched as the portal pulsated with arcane energies, the system message glowing in his mind's eye.

[Quest sub-system granted.]

A jolt of shock coursed through him. Quests. The surreal reality of his situation had been given stark clarity.

The list of tasks laid out before him hung in the air, a panel of demands, expectations and challenges. His gaze traced over each quest, the potential rewards enough to elicit a pulse of intrigue.

[Active Quests: Infinite prospects: Reach level 25. Reward: Unlock class.]

"Frustratingly vague," Alex muttered, his eyes narrowing. There were no explanations, no pointers. A feeling of disorientation gnawed at him.

[Floor Quest: Complete one quest to gain access to the next floor

1: Inducted Survivor: Survive for 168 hours (1.20/168.00) - Inductee grade

Reward: 'Survivor' Feat - need for sustenance of all kinds reduced by 50%

2: Wild Warrior: Defeat a floor Guardian (0/1) - Normal grade

Reward: F grade equipment, 'Warrior' feat - all stats +5% when in battle against stronger opponents.

3: The Champion: Defeat all floor Guardians (0/2) - Hard grade

Reward: Inventory skill, E grade equipment, 'Champion' feat, all stats + 5% when outnumbered in combat

4: Floor Destroyer: Destroy or Conquer the wolf tribe and all floor Guardians inhabiting the first floor (0/3) - Hell grade]

Reward: warrior feat, champion feat, survivor feat, Unique Skill Creation - Unknown grade]

Alex stared at the screen that seemed to float in front of him, projecting a magical blue light. Information filled the screen, about quests he could complete, rewards he could earn. He frowned at the sight of the words, "Inductee grade," "Normal grade," "Hard grade," and "Hell grade." The screen held promises of power, rewards, and threats of untold danger. "Reach level 25." "Survive for 168 hours." "Defeat a floor Guardian." "Destroy or Conquer the wolf tribe." It all sounded straight from the pulp fantasy films, and media he had once devoured, but this was no film. The aches and pains he'd felt only minutes ago attested to that.

Hell grade. Wolf tribe. Floor guardians. The terms circled in his head like a carousel. The tougher the quest, the greater the reward – he reasoned. It was plain to see. The number and grades of the items and ‘skills’ increased with each quest. If he wanted to somehow return to Earth, he would need all the rewards and strength this dungeon had to offer.

But if he was being honest with himself, those reasons for choosing a higher grade quest were only half true. Deep down, he knew he should choose the ‘Inductee grade’ quest, and then slowly test the waters of each quest to see what he could manage.

But there was something inside him that tugged his eyes and his heart towards the ‘Hell grade’. His mind went back to his first battle with the giant wolf. The thrill, the terror, the bloodlust, and most of all; the growth, and the challenge.

It was the first time in his life he’d truly had to apply himself, the first time he’d overcome odds stacked against him, and solve unsolvable problems. The first time he’d ever had to try.

He’d almost died a few times in his life- the odd accident, illness, or crash. But never come close to death during a battle. Even when outnumbered. Even when ambushed. Even when using real swords.

Except for those guys with that gun, he thought. But that doesn’t count. After all, a gun is just a sword that cheats. How could a sword compete with a firearm?

He shook his head and returned his thoughts to his encounter with the giant wolves. Images of intense combat, desperate struggle, and frantic resistance played through his mind. Never in his decades of living had he ever experienced the cocktail of emotions that came from winning and experiencing that battle. He felt as if his unarmed combat techniques had improved more in those 10 minutes of life and death battle than they had in decades.

It was as if he’d found his calling.

He would walk down this path, it felt as if it was what he was born for. Reborn I guess. If I follow this path, I can’t even imagine how much I could grow with the sword. I’ll be stronger, hopefully strong enough to make it back to earth. He decided as his eyes continued to scan the quest details. And plus, if it gets too dangerous, I can always just quit and go for the survivor rewards.

But despite his convictions, as he studied the screen, the tasks they laid out seemed to grow by the second. Nothing was clear, and the details felt vague.

Each quest seemed more impossible than the last. Alex looked at the 'Floor Destroyer' quest, and his resolve solidified. It wasn't just one Guardian he had to fight, but three. What’s a ‘Floor Guardian', anyway? He wondered.

More questions without answers. His head throbbed.

“Damn,” he muttered. “Could’ve used that tutorial.” A system message blinked:

[System message - Missed opportunity: Inductee 6,000,000,042 has missed teleportation to Inductee Tutorial Zone.]

[Cause: transmigrated, rebuilt.]

He blinked, "What does that even mean?" He questioned the artificial sky above him, no response forthcoming. An unsettling realisation crept into his thoughts. "How many floors are there, anyway?" He wondered aloud, glancing around the seemingly endless jungle. The horned wolves, the jungle, the alien sky, it all had to be artificially crafted, right?

His mind spun with implications. He'd missed the tutorial because of the sudden transmigration and reconstruction. As his eyes skimmed over the quests, the complexity of the situation began to sink in. Alex wanted to curse, to rage against the system. He was at a disadvantage, bereft of a tutorial, thrown into a high-stakes world without a moment's respite. The words "wolf tribe" rang in his ears. A prickle of fear ran down his spine, chased by a spark of excitement. If they were just horned wolves, he'd probably be fine. But the term 'Hell Grade'...that was cause for concern. The system must have set high expectations for high rewards.

He sighed, his shoulders sagging. The weight of his situation setting in. It wasn’t just him. His family – his grandfather who raised him, his younger sister – what were they doing? Were they okay? And this planet, ‘Pyra’... how did Earth fit into this multiverse? His mind was a chaotic mess of thoughts. For the first time, he felt truly alone. His grandfather's comforting stories, his sister's cheerful laughter—everything he knew and loved was miles away, lightyears maybe, across dimensions. He didn't know if he'd ever get back. But he was determined to survive.

His mind returned to the system's statement about Pyra and Earth being a part of the 'latest batch of worlds to join the Empire’. He swallowed hard, realizing the true scope of what he faced. Not just his life, but the fate of Earth and Pyra was at stake.

“Can’t worry about that now,” he grumbled, more to himself than anyone else.

Gazing at the quests again, he pondered the potential rewards. His lips twisted in a grim smile as he recalled his legendary feats and the resulting stat boost. "Hell grade, huh? Sounds like fun." Determination ignited in his eyes. "If they're just a bunch of horned wolves… it shouldn't be that big a deal, right?"

His thoughts were interrupted by the growling sound of the wolves. He quickly hid behind a tree, peeking from the foliage to watch as two beings very different from the horned wolves entered his field of view. Alex saw them through the slits between the leaves, and his heart began to pound as if trying to break free of his chest. The two towering figures that emerged from the undergrowth were unlike the freakish wolves he had expected to see - they still had the menacing aura of wolves, but their stature and movements were disturbingly humanoid.

Guttural growls filled the air. Alex froze, instincts honed from decades of Kendo practice taking over. He breathed deep, steadying his heart, and intensifying his focus. He slipped behind a thick tree, peering out as two large beings appeared. They were colossal, their muscular forms clothed in leather and metal. Each movement was fluid, predatory. He had no doubts anymore - these were no mere wolves. They were something more... something worse.

His thoughts drifted to the quests.

[Floor Destroyer: Destroy or Conquer (0/3)]

Alex blinked as the system message popped up in his vision. 'Destroy or Conquer?" he murmured. The term rang with an air of authority and danger. How could he conquer them? He didn’t speak wolf.

He would have to destroy, then.

He swallowed hard, his gaze drawn back to the beast-men. They were adorned in ragged leathers and crude iron, their bodies solid and rippling with raw power. One carried a bone weapon, gnarled and deadly. The other seemed to rely on its vicious claws and fangs, its eyes displaying an ominous sheening light.

The two large, intimidating wolfmen stalked through the grass, and moved with a strange, almost human gait. Strategies, clashed and spun in Alex's mind as he observed them. What would it take to defeat these beings?

Each step they took was measured, calculated, like a predator sizing up its prey. What's their deal? Alex wondered, studying their gait. They’re clearly intelligent, but what are they looking for?

Surprise painted Alex's features as he watched them sniff the air, before sprinting off in the direction of his previous battle. The sight of their clawed feet tearing through the ground was a chilling reminder of what he was up against. He gripped his shirt, the fabric damp with sweat. This wasn't a game, this was survival. He needed strength, he needed an edge.

He looked towards the giant wolf skull in his grip and the long horn that extended sharply out of it. It was unwieldy. Bulky as it was, he would not be able to use it to its full potential, he’d have to do something about that.

Those wolf men looked strong. He hadn't missed the way the ground exploded at each of their leaps, or the ripple of their muscled forms. Fully aware of his precarious position, Alex realised he had to blend in. He stripped down, rubbing jungle plants over his body and clothing, hoping one of his new stats would keep him safe from alien infections. He would need every advantage.

Alex quickly refocused his attention, returning to the portal. He needed to find a way to protect himself, to fight back. He needed a weapon.

He glanced at the wickedly sharp wolf-horn in his hand, and the skull it was attached to.

Gotta use what I've got, he resolved, his mind steady despite the uncertainty.

His fingers brushed over the sharp edge of a long, and thick rock. He knew he could use it, but he needed a handle. He looked around, finally settling his gaze on an unnaturally sturdy and even longer branch. He picked up the rock, carefully sharpening the branch before cutting and inserting the branch inside the skull, lodging it into the hollow beginnings of the horn before he felt something solid inside stop his push.

He held the skull against the jungle floor, and began to smash and chip away sections as quietly as he could, with grunts of effort that ruined his attempts at stealth. Once the skull was shaved down to just a forehead, eyeholes, a curved horn, and the thick stick that made its handle. He secured the two together with some vines, wrapping them around the skull and through the eyeholes to secure it. He then wrapped the vines in thick layers at its base to create a 'handle'. The 'blade' began at the grip, beneath vines and extended beyond the wooden base some distance. Using his enhanced body, he had attempted to make a crude semblance of a sword. He’d tied it as best as he could, but he couldn’t see it surviving the impacts of multiple battles. He would need to constantly find new sticks and vines to secure new handles. It was a pitiful weapon, but it was all he had.

[Floor Destroyer: Destroy or Conquer (0/3) - Hell grade]

Alex's eyes narrowed. Hell grade, indeed. He bit down on his lip, tasting iron. But fear wasn't the only thing coursing through his veins now. His blood was singing with adrenaline, his palms sweaty on the makeshift weapon. There was a certain thrill to this, a savage joy in confronting such dire odds.

His eyes drifted back to the screen, fixating on the word "Survivor." That was his first task. Survive.

In the distance, the beasts howled, the eerie sound sending a jolt of adrenaline through his being. It was a call to arms, a declaration of dominion over the jungle. Alex steeled himself, the grip on his weapon firm and unyielding. A fierce determination overcame his fear, fuelled by a single thought:

He had to survive. He had to grow. He had to be stronger.

As he stood up, he glanced back at the screen one last time. His gaze was steely, his resolve firm.

Armed with his crude weapon, dressed in the scent of the jungle, and fuelled by a tenacity born of desperation, Alex set off. He had his goals clear - to survive, to fight, and to ascend the floors of this forsaken place. And maybe, just maybe, once he was outside, he would find a way back to earth.

"Bring it on." He muttered. The wolfmen's movements echoed in the silence of the wilderness. The hunt was on.

As he disappeared into the undergrowth, a final message flashed strangely behind him, outside of his field of view.

[... ̶̯͇̈́̈͛d̶̺̆͜͠'̵̢̟͖̞̀͆.̷̯͍̩̹̋̍̅ ̸̭̃͒͠͝ ̴̧̛̺̠̞̌̈̚o̷̻̽̋̕ ̶̨̺̏͂ ̷͎̠̠̖̿́o̶̼̲͋͐͋͂ͅ g̶̅̓͛͝'̵̢̟͖̞̀͆'̵̢̟͖̞̀͆t̸͇̾̃̌̕i̶̧̹̽̈́̋̚ ...]


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