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Extraction wars

The Extraction Wars were a dark time in the world's history. The most powerful skill holders and creatures in the world banded together with a singular purpose: to kill the gods and steal their skills, their power. The war lasted for a decade and left destruction in its wake. The gods fought fiercely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. The skill holders and creatures, driven by their insatiable thirst for power, were relentless in their pursuit.

It began with the theft of the gods' [Immortality]. The skill holders had discovered a way to extract the [Immortality] skill from the gods, enabling them to transfer it to themselves. They saw it as a means of obtaining true godhood, but it proved to be their undoing. The gods, sensing the danger, retaliated with all their might. The creatures of the world, seeing the opportunity for power, joined the fray.

Despite their strength, it was proven that the gods were not invincible. One by one, they fell to the combined might of their enemies. With each victory, the skill holders grew stronger, their powers augmented by those of the fallen gods.

As the war raged on, old alliances were reforged and new allies became enemies. Each sought to become the most powerful. Betrayals and backstabbing became commonplace, and the alliances dissolved into nothing.

In the end, the war didn't end with the extraction of the gods' powers, but with their deaths. The most powerful skill holders and creatures had succeeded only in killing the very beings they sought to emulate. The world was left in ruins, scarred by the brutal conflict.

The Extraction Wars raged across the world, leaving entire cities in ruins. The gods fought with all their power, but their numbers dwindled as the skill holders and creatures grew in strength. The war was brutal and merciless, with no end in sight.

But the legacy of the gods remained. The ruins of their once-great temples and cities stood as a testament to their power, and many sought to unlock the secrets of their lost magic. The skill holders and creatures fought over these relics, hoping to gain even greater power.

Millenia past, the world was left in ruins, and the few survivors struggled to rebuild. The skill holders and creatures, once so powerful, were now humbled by the destruction they had caused. They had killed the gods, but at what cost? The world was forever changed, and the Extraction Wars were remembered as a cautionary tale of greed and ambition.

The few survivors of the war spoke of the gods' power and wisdom, of their ability to shape the world with mere thought. And many more would not mention their involvement in the wars at all. They regretted their actions, or at least, the destruction they had caused, coming to the realization that the gods had only sought to create worlds and had little interest in interacting with them beyond protecting them. But it was too late. The gods were gone, and the world was left to pick up the pieces. Many beasts, creatures, ambitious beings and men seized power during the wars and became something much greater, things never seen before or since. From powerful men to lucky beings who stumbled upon dying and dead gods before anyone else. Many became better, some became worse.


Evan found himself standing there, dazed, watching all of these events unfold, with the world shifting around him from place to place in the blink of an eye.

“What the f-”


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