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Hey everyone! James Portnow here. I write the series. At the end of each full topic I'm going to do a live on camera episode called "Lies" where we talk about all the lies we told you and the mistakes we made. Here at the beginning I'm not always getting to see the finalized versions before they go out, so there's bound to be some errors (I noticed a fair share of minor but non-negligible errors in this when I saw it this morning ; ). Also, if there's a story like the sandwich that probably isn't actually 100% accurate but has enough of the truth that I've heard it told by professors at major universities and makes for fantastic storytelling, I'm going to use it, but then talk about it in the "Lies" segment at the end. In the meantime, bear with us ; )



Thank you James


Wait... Are you saying that the sandwich was a LIE?! Damnit! STOP THE WAR ON SANDWICHES!! It did not cause the great war after all!


Man, this is getting better and better. Thanks. =D


how goes the saying? "Nobody's perfect!" We all make mistakes. it's sounds like a good idea to me that you also point out some of the make-up you do for the sake of a good storytelling. so i'm courious to see the "Lies" episode. keep up the good work. i love it so far.


Thanks a lot James, I was rather curious about some of the details of the latest episode and I would love to check out what you have to say behind the scenes.


Being willing to own up to mistakes made is the true key to academic integrity and transparency. I'm glad to hear that you guys will be willing to do just that for these series in the future. Thank you again for doing this, James, and we'll see you at the end!


This is pretty unheard of among most sources of history. Leave it to EC for such humility and passion for the truth.


You gotta embellish stories like these, given that most of the finer details will likely never be known to anyone but the individuals involved.


I know it might be a ways off but if I could make a request a story I'd really like to here is about Kudryavka and the space race in general


This should be interesting