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Voting has closed and the next topic for an Extra History mini-series has been decided by our patrons! Starting in November, after the current WWI mini-series has come to an end, we'll produce our next mini series on the Sengoku Jidai period of Japanese history. Thanks for supporting us!



That is excellent! I actually voted for that topic because it is something I am completely unfamiliar with. That is really awesome. =)


Will this series cover (or even focus) on the power struggles of Oda Nobunaga and his successors to unify Japan?


Awesome, I'll finally get to learn more about the Warring States period that's intrigued me since high school! I was even interested in this stuff before I knew Japan was where games came from in the 90s! Thank you!


This is right up the alley of a college professor I know. I'll send you an email if he's interested.

Zoe Alleyne

I'm so excited! I didn't think this episode would win but it did!


Could we see the result percentages or is this some kind of secret ballot thing?


It wasn't meant to be a secret ballot, but the voting service I picked for this didn't have a public "Results" option (that I could figure out how to enable). Here are the percentage from the internal reports, though: Sengoku Jidai 52% First Manassas 5% French Revolution 18% Alexander the Great 25%


Super excited!!