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When a shadow engulfs the empire - and Justinian - it is only Theodora who can save it.


Theodora - X: This is My Empire - Extra History

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Holy, this is a horrifying way of telling the story of the plague, makes me wish we had voted for a whole series just on plague.


I love how this either intentionally or not ties into the last series with John Snow & Mary Seacole. I've also been waiting to hear more about Theodora since the beginning. I can't wait for more as the plague does off.


Rome seems to get hit with a lot of the all time deadliest illnesses first, at least in Civilizations with written records: It was thought the Antonine Plague was the first appearance of Smallpox, the Cyprian Plague was possibly Measles' debut, and Emperors were struck down by both. It must have been seen as nothing short of miraculous that Justinian recovered. Meanwhile Bellisarius is a victim of his own success. It's a shame, but I can appreciate the dicey position Theodora found herself in.


Then... he woke up....


That's what happens when you're the first civilization to rule a continent and a half and keep meticulous records for 2000 years.


I know this is a strange comment considering this is history, but I wait for a series to be finished before I read more. "DAMN CLIFF HANGERS! WOKE UP AND!"


A twist that turns into a cliffhanger


There was a black death before the Black Death? Crikes, I need to read more about history that isn't just about war and tactics.


This is the first written appearance of the Bubonic Plague in recorded history and was dubbed The Plague of Justinian. And was more than likely passed along by trade from China or India. As for your interest in war, funnily enough war usually causes outbreaks. Think about it, rats and other vermin live in cities, out of sight of the populace so that they can be near a food supply. An army comes in and sieges a town. Food eventually runs out and now all of those rats are loose searching for something to eat. Some end up with the attacking army and they spread the plague wherever the army goes. It's no coincidence that during and after a war, there's usually some kind of sickness that is spread.


Trivia question: Who can name the song that is directly about the Bubonic Plague?


Great visualization of the horrible plague!


Not really intentional, but they do go together quite nicely! And it was great that Theodora finally got some time to shine.


Wow the visual characterization of the Plague was fantastic. A well wrought piece. An unfortunate side effect of booming and far reaching trade and far reaching campaigns of war is coming into new devastating and diseases. Did they not try to burn the bodies? Or was that too pagan?


Absolutely amazing. The story telling, the drawings... just wow. The blood puking was really nice! I mean the drawing


This series was wonderful. I'm glad you guys got to tell a part of history that you were passionate about