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We've teamed up with the folks at Wargaming to create an extra series of Extra History about World War II: The Battle of Kursk!

Starting on February 15, we'll have new episodes for you every other week. And yes, that's a Monday, not a Saturday: this series will not interrupt your regular Extra History show. Instead, you'll get two episodes every other week!

Although the Patreon rewards (like early access) won't apply to this bonus series, we'll post the new episodes here so they're easy for you to find. We're really looking forward to it and hope you enjoy this series as well!


World of Tanks Console

The_Challenger and Extra Credits have teamed up for an amazing project. Stay tuned! #WGExtraHistory



Looking forward to it! Wargaming does some great stuff w/ its historical games, and Kursk is pivotal event often overshadowed by Stalingrad. Should be a blast :)


All, right!! I'm down for getting extra episodes that otherwise might not happen for a really long while, bring it!


I am merely amazed, that an episode involving ww2 didn`t come up sooner.


Cool to see EH expanding. Looking forward to seeing what the extra history series' extra history series is like.


You guys really need to do Czar Peter the Great the carpender Emperor.


There's an unofficial rule not to go much further than 1920. It's not ironclad however.


Much like choosing the Punic Wars over the Campaigns of Caesar, this is a great choice. I think in most people's minds the Eastern Front is something like "Germany attacks Russia -> ??? -> Stalingrad -> ??? -> Red Army in Berlin", and Kursk is a great place to start filling that gap out, as the last time Germany takes the Strategic Initiative on the Eastern Front.


I'm certainly looking forward to even more EH! I do have to ask though: I thought you had a policy of not covering things more recent than about World War I. What changed your mind for this one?


This is gonna be awesome!

The Cayute

You see, this. This right here. THIS is how game companies need to spend their marketing budget. It's cheaper than banner ads and TV spots, it's informative, and it just kicks ass.


Speaking as someone who did not know about the Battle of Kursk before this series, and who's been learning about it as the episodes come in, I'm really looking forward to sharing these episodes with everyone else now!


They've been fun to work with! They gave us access to their archives, so we got some really cool tank pictures to use as references.

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Interesting decision, covering recent history. Looking forward to you tackling this!


Two shows per week should be the new standard


I, personally, wouldn't object if all traditional advertisements were replaced with educational content! Even if it's not *our* educational content, that'd be a cool world to live in.


Awesomesauce. How much would you need to be getting a month to hire enough artists, writers and editors to make biweekly episodes the standard?

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Not bad, but I miss the focus on characters of the other Extra History episodes. You didn't even name Von Paulus or other people when you could, instead just calling them things like "the commander of the 6th army". There were a couple "weird" pictures, too, like the Operation Barbarossa map at 5:11 that seemed to show arrows going out from the Netherlands into Germany. It's an introductory episode, and a side project, I know, but it just seemed quite a bit more vague than the usual EH fare.