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Pressing in on Justinian from the south, the Persian king delivers a master class in trollsmanship.


Justinian & Theodora - IX: Justinian's Rival - Extra History

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Clue for next week: Antonine, Cyprian, Justinian. It's crazy we're still in the first 15 years of Justinian's reign. Another 23 to go!


That cliffhanger! :-)


Damon you and your cliffhangers!


I kind of want to build a shrine to that Persian King now


I had also planned to comment on this "hanging off a cliff" ending. quite intense


He may no longer be the King of Persia, but I don't think anyone will replace this guy as King of Trolls any time soon.


On the first part of the episode: this is why it's important to communicate with your soldiers. Seems that have gone wrong because of that evil lady Miss Communication.

The Cayute

That cliff hanger, dog....too bad it's gonna end up being disease and not some badass wandering bladesmaster XD


Can't help wondering if it's leprosy, that terrible dragon of the old world.


GAH! Cliffhanger much?


@#$%! Cliffhangers!!!


What? Cliffhangers? How dare you!? Now I have to stay away from Wikipedia for a week lest I spoil myself... You guys ever thinking of writing a book or something? The storytelling is frankly superb and it's really a shame if you never get to utilize it to the fullest extent.


Why comet, why?! Amazing as always. Tenkju <3


My money is on Walpole. If Extra history has learnt me anything; its always Walpole.


What are these black spots appearing all over my arm.


Walpole setting the stage for his own eventual ascendancy to power in Britain. First step, dismantle other empires...


Halley's Comet may not be our friend... <a href="http://www.livescience.com/42048-halleys-comet-linked-to-ancient-famine.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.livescience.com/42048-halleys-comet-linked-to-ancient-famine.html</a>


Comments section is spoiling it too. ;) Read with care! But a book would be a really fun endeavor... maybe someday!


And another reminder of just how many things got screwy in the ancient world simply for lack of good communication. Thank you, telephones!


When military defeat isn't humiliating enough for your opponent, do things the Chosroes way!


I'm hoping to see Chosroes or Khosrow gamertags stirring up nonsense in multiplayer games.


It's gonna get faster from here! Like a roller coaster that spent all this time slowly climbing to the top...


Couldn't help ourselves. But hey, glad people got invested enough to want to know what happens!

Tommy Laukkanen

Curse you, cliffhangering a centuries old story!


A comet you say? I bet Justinian wished he had lived in more enlightened times.


You classy swingers are frickin' electric!!