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We're very happy to introduce you to a new Extra History artist, Lil! Lil will be joining Heather and David (that's right - three artists) starting with the next series, Broad Street Pump. Hence the Victorian get-up she's wearing right here... and by the way, enjoy the early peek at James and Dan's costumes, too. ;)

In fact, you may know Lil already if you've been paying close attention! She did her trial run with the Extra Credits episode on World War II games - and after that, we couldn't help but want her on the team!

Check that episode out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8KHClEGGM8

And bonus points to anyone who can remember the one other place we've hinted at Lil's presence on the team...



Arturo Gutierrez

I remember those episodes when she contributed :) glad to know she is now part of the team :D


Look out! It's another artist!! Those things are insane. - KvaGram the programmer


Congrats, Lil! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Im sure you will do great work Lil, look forward to seeing your work.


Is this solely to help the almost 60 minutes of art every 7 weeks not kill the artists, or are you guys gearing up for episodes twice a week and the four artists, minimum, that would require? *hopeful*


Welcome Lil!!

Jason Youngberg

Welcome to Extra Credits! I look forward to seeing your work and your unique style to the videos.


Sorry, but we're only trying to not-kill our artists with their current workload! Episodes will remain weekly.


system notification: Extra credit has obtained special ability [ Art by Lil]


system notification: Extra credit has reached level 12 in Visual effect yeah :)


Just out of curiosity - how many people are on the EC/EH team anyways? Sometimes it seems like it's James, Soraya, Dan, and 50 artists half of whom are also named Dan*. (*Some slight exaggeration may be occurring here)


Great to hear the extra credits team growing :)


We lost one of our Dans. :( Other Dan got a new job at Blizzard, so we are down to just two Dans! The rest of the team is 9 people: our creators (Dan and James), 5 artists (Scott, DJ, David, Heather, Lil), and the support staff (Soraya and Carrie). Then we have a few recurring contributors like the Kiner brothers (EH music) whom we love!