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So what's next for Extra History now that Admiral Yi's story is done? Well, since we're on six week animation schedule, and we're only five weeks into it, we've thrown in a bonus episode for you folks on a little-known Palmyran king named Odenathus.

After that, James will discuss the Lies from the Admiral Yi series, and then we're on to our next feature: John Snow and the Broad Street Pump!



Hasan Mahmood

Should be interesting. :D


Aw yiss, the Crisis of the Third Century is such a fascinating period of history, fantastic you're covering people from that era. Here's to a future series about Aurelian, the Unconquered Restorer of the World!


This is a nice surprise, I'm happy that you guys our doing this. It would be an excellent future series to cover the rest of the Crisis of the Third Century. With the destruction of the ancient city of Palmyra by ISIS, people should know why this city is important and what is lost from our heritage with its destruction. While it is nice surprise, shouldn't these bonus topics also be put to a Patreon vote as well.


No clue who that is. I'm excited!


I am still waiting on Extra Bismark :p Seriously though, I have no idea who this is, and will not use Bing as to not 'spoil' anything. Its amazing your show is so captivating that I don't want to spoil something that happened hundreds of years ago.


Woo first mini series!

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Will be interesting to learn of him. Like Alan, I'm refraining from Googling him as not to "spoil" anything :3


This is why I love Extra History. It's full of great content consistently. Look forward to it.


Looking forward to it. The more obscure, the better :P


watched and rewatched admiral yi part 5, and I keep getting choked up


I've done that too, multiple times since it came out. Sometimes that sorrow is a good feeling...


I actually hadn't heard of this fellow before James wrote the episode, although I had heard of his wife, who I hope also gets her own episode one day!


Odenathus is fairly obscure, although I'd say he deserves more credit than he gets!


I do enjoy that we've made history into something that can be "spoiled," in a sense. ;) At least this one's only one episode long so you won't have to be in suspense when the episode comes out!


We try to get in extra Patreon votes when we can (like the recent vote on which segment of the Ottoman Empire to cover), but the base $5 reward is only to vote on the main series - that vote is the only one I can ever guarantee. As for why we didn't put the bonus episode topic up to a vote, when we did for the Ottomans, it comes down to a matter of time. For a full series, we already know that we're going to have to put a lot of effort into finding good research on the subject, so if the audience picks something we're not familiar with yet, that's okay. But with the bonus episodes, we need to be able to pick the subject or we could end up spending almost as much time researching that one episode as we spend researching an entire series. Finding sources can be tricky.


The Third Century Crisis is fascinating stuff. Here's hoping our episode on Odenathus sparks more people to take an interest it - and maybe find their way to Aurelian!


He's a very interesting figure. It's a shame he's not talked about more often!


For the Lies episode, since Yi isn't talked about a lot in the West, would you guys be able to post some resources for people to check out to read more details about him???

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Don't quite know how I'm meant to suggest topics, so forgive me if this is *very* out of place, but for the record, I'd really like to see an in-depth look at the Cuban missile crisis. A lot of people, especially non-Americans, know little of these two weeks, or how close (relatively) the US really came to war with Cuba. The Cuban missile crisis can also make for a very suspenseful series, akin to the one about the days leading up to the first world war.


Read Yi's diary! It's a great place to start, and full of little details that didn't make it into the overall narrative. The one that hit me the hardest was that his base on Hansando was right near his mother's house, but he never felt it would be appropriate to take time off and see her. When she died, he was heartbroken that he didn't. :*(


Well, two things. First up, the topic suggestion reward has been paused for the time being because we're running a couple of special polls with predetermined options. If you signed up for the $15 reward for that reason, then I definitely suggest you edit your pledge before Patreon charges you at the end of the month! We'll be back to taking patron suggestions in January, so that'd be a good time to re-up if you want to suggest a topic. Second, when we are taking suggestions again, we'll put up a post here on the Patron page and you should get an email about it! However, right now, we're only taking suggestions for things that happened by or before the 1920s - the Cuban Missile Crisis wouldn't qualify. That's something we intend to experiment with, but we're doing so carefully, because we want to make sure that the history we cover has enough distance from the present day that we can get a historical perspective on it.


Yeah. Thanks for reminding me of this detail about Admiral Yi. I forgotten about it. Now i'm crying.