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Those of you who took part in our mini-poll earlier this week may want to know that after your votes (and an extremely close race), Suleiman the Magnificent edged out the Fall of Constantinople and will be the subject of our upcoming Extra History series in 2016!

If you were really hoping for one of the other two options, have no fear. We still think they'd be great topics to cover and would love to come back to them at a later date!



Thanks for doing the poll. I would have been really disappointed to see Gallipoli and Ataturk winning as it's like skipping a glorious era and only covering the end of it. I do think that Gallipoli is an interesting topic for future series though, I have been there myself. I personally voted for the Fall of Constantinople for multiple reasons. One is that I am personally tired of the Sulaiman topic (a lot of TV coverage but they are usually interested in his Harem). I felt that FoC would have been a good topic for the first series as it is early enough to give a quick summary on the foundation of the Ottoman Empire. It is also interesting to see for Westerners that the Ottoman Empire has conquered a lot of Eastern Europe before turning to Constantinople. In fact, they moved their capital to Edirne, close to the Bulgarian border today. Looking forward to the series.


Mehmed the Conqueror is also an interesting topic as he led the campaign against Vlad III Dracula. Additionally, Mehmed has been coronated twice, first when he was 11. When he faced a crusade, he wrote to his father Murad, the former Sultan, "If you are the Sultan, come and lead your armies. If I am the Sultan I hereby order you to come and lead my armies.". Murad led the Ottoman Empire to victory in Varna.


Nooooo!!!! Thanks for doing the poll though! I know that you guys are going to do great job anyway, but I hope to see the other two topics in the future!!!!


I'm sure we'll come back to them! After all, once we've learned the end of Justinian's tale, who wouldn't want to hear about the Fall of Constantinople? And James in particular would love to tell the story of Ataturk.