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At last Yi has the upper hand against the Japanese. After all they've done, he will not let them flee.


Korea: Admiral Yi - V: Martial Lord of Loyalty - Extra History

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Man, that ending... so dramatic!!!




I cannot decide whether Yi was as much of a bada$$ as this series makes him out to be, or if the rest of the military of that era were just idiots. Either way he was truly a man of honor to his country.

Farzad Mansouri

Not going to lie but I am crying man tears at that ending. Rest in peace Admiral Yi!


Wow, you gave me chills!


Only rarely does history produce one so committed and brilliant.


My respect for yi kinda faultered when he insisted on hunting down and killing a beaten enemy trying to retreat, when they could have just signed a peace treaty, and avoided further bloodshed.


The flipside of honour in effect: It's not enough that the enemy who caused you harm has ceased causing it, you must avenge the original crime. I doubt Yi is unique when it comes to this.


Yi: Rewarded for his loyalty with treachery, demotion, attempted assassination, and eventually, death.


Fascinating story! Every Friday I was expecting a new chapter . Now I'm interested in the movie: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDoL8BCm0p0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDoL8BCm0p0</a>


Wow that music was amazing!


i like video


The most amazing stuff ever created:P


For those who want more Yi and even more details, they made a movie about Admiral Yi some years back. Great job EH, I loved how you included the sound of the drum!

Stormy Weather

That was beautiful! You guys did an amazing job!


For more information, it's called The Admiral: Roaring Current and is a movie I greatly recommend. Even though there are dramatic embellishment, it mostly stays true to the events of Myeongnyang and no is better at portraying Yi than Choi Min-sik.


Beautiful! Simply beautiful! I loved the drumbeats as the narrative went into the final phase of Noryang. It felt so climatic. You guys did a splendid job of this series, truly honoring the memory of Yi. Here wishing for a similar success for further series!


Not gonna lie.... this actually made me tear up a little

Hasan Mahmood

Great job, guys! I hope at some point you guys cover Saladin.

Michael Waisfeld

Seriously though, why didn't the Japanese just avoid passing through narrow straights? Losing, how many was it... 3 battles due to getting bottle-necked? Was it that difficult to circle around the coast? Is the slightly shorter travel time worth the risk? The Japanese were inherently overconfident but you'd think a man like Hideyoshi would have the brains to order them not to do it (even if he was reportedly going clinically insane at the time).


Hideyoshi wasn't there commanding in person! And while it definitely turned against them very severely, I can't fault them for taking the fastest route to relieve a city under siege when every delay meant the city might fall on its own. And during Myeongnyang, well, if we weren't looking at it through the 20/20 of historical hindsight, we'd have thought they were ridiculous to avoid an engagement with 13 ships, when they had over 100. Which actually would have turned out all right for them, I expect, if Yi hadn't deliberately baited them with those tides they didn't know about.


Not gonna lie, I've watched the final cut about 6 times since Dan sent it to me. Gets me very time!


Thank you! We actually rewrote this episode after Sean and Dean sent us a preview of the drumbeats. It was too good not to make it part of the series!


Yeah, the Kiners knocked it out of the park on both the main theme and the drums!


It's streaming on Netflix in several countries! I know it's on in the USA, not sure about others.


Sad, huh? But he is also Korea's national hero, and while he didn't live to enjoy his accolades, he's celebrated all over the country now.


Man, i will patron after this. / amazing end. the music, dan voice. all of it.


And on rarely do they survive close inspection and still come off seeming like good people.


I'm gonna go ahead and say it was the former. ;) A lot of these people that looked foolish compared to him, on both the Korean and the Japanese side, won battles or showed great leadership in other situations. Even Won Gyon, who wound up losing the fleet, had been a very successful campaigner against the Jurchens to earn his high-ranking position.


keep up the great work EC, i've learned more from your EC History than in textbooks! awesome work.


I think that...yes, that's a tear. Man, thanks for such a great work you are doing on this channel.


Who the fuck is cutting these onions?

Robert S

you're giving me chills, guys. keep up the astounding work

Robert S

holy shit episode 1: KEEP BEATING THE DRUM you foreshadowing bastids


:D It was originally released with a slightly different name, since I was working off a different translation, but the intent was always to foreshadow this moment. Once I saw the translation James used, I updated the title to match it exactly.


Wow, you guys. Just, wow.


Not having to teach to a curriculum helps us a bunch, since we can go and cover history like this, that often isn't covered in the west.


Okay, I am going to admit it- this episode made me outright cry. The timing of the music and the flow of the narrative got to me and had me tearing up. I think the only other one that got to me like this was the Sengoku Jidai series.


This man *defines* the word "Legendary". As does this episode.


Excellent end to a great series. Well done guys. Well done.


That couldn't have been a better story if it had been written as a work of fiction. Damn. Just.... damn.


It's sad about how this story ends. Yi pulled Korea through the war and went through more bull$#!+ than any character I have ever heard (fictional or otherwise). He did not deserve to die from a stray bullet.


PS was Yi's son and nephew being clean shaven an artist choice and they actually had beards? Or were these guys the best actors in history?

Robert S

how did the joseon court try to make up for their fuckery?


There is another General in Korea called Eulji Mundok who fought the 1 million army troops of Sui dynasty with 30,000 men and wiped them out... I mean he killed all the million troops in one battle. It is recorded as the biggest fight in world history in terms of man power. (Only 2800 went home out of a million).He is considered in par with Yi in Korea.


I actually teared up after watching this. I expected Yi to be fine since he just would walk out of most problems though his life. But I guess his legendary luck just ran out during that battle.


You mean we didn't get you at the end of the World War I series? Nuts. We'll have to try harder!


If it had been a work of fiction most of us would have rolled our eyes at how unrealistic it seemed. ;D


Mostly with posthumous titles and awards. It was certainly too little, too late, and one account of the scene says that the king was stone-faced and appeared unmoved during Yi's eulogy.


Yeah, especially since he had previously survived a shot in the shoulder, I was also hoping he would somehow make it through... but no.


Oh yea, There is debate between whether the battle of MyeongRyang was 13 vs 133 or 13 vs 333. Can we clear that up on lies once and for all? I too am very curious.