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Excommunication, antipopes, bitter wars... why let little details get in the way of a good Crusade?


Europe: The First Crusade - III: A Good Crusade? - Extra History

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Can't wait to see what you all think of this one! It's been my favorite episode of Extra History so far. -Soraya


Everyone needs a good broath once in a while


While it was a little hard to keep track of the different leaders, it was very well-told and funny episode.


I love how four out of the five armies that showed up are super problematic for the people they're supposed to be helping, and all the hoops the emperor is having to jump through to get them to at least sort of do what he wants. ...time to see how it all goes wrong!


If this series has taught me anything so far, it's that supply lines are the single greatest invention in military history.


Great episode! I'm curious if you should clarify the claim that Godfrey of the Bouillon "represented the German contingent". Godfrey was certainly a duke of the Holy Roman Empire, but his duchy was Lower Lorraine, and as far as I can tell Godfrey was a Lothringian Frank. It's likely that he had a good mix of Germans and Franks and maybe some Lombards among his own ranks, because the Holy Roman Empire was nothing if not a hot mess and (as this show pointed out before, gladly) a well-defined German nation-state didn't really exist until the 19th Century.


Amazing work! Both the story telling and the drawings :D You guys are the best!

The Cayute

Logistics: preventing 85% of looting one war at a time.

The Cayute

Damn, I always knew the Crusades had been a bit problematic...I didn't think they'd been THIS bloody-mindedly self-stabby


Wow. This is too comedic to be true.


Fantastic Work. Sidenote: that EC mad lib could make a good cards against humanity question. Pick 2.

Stormy Weather

I love how much of a complete mess the crusades are!^u^


I love that the leaders are color coded helps to remember the crazier guys from the rest.


"We cool?" "We cool" Funniest EH episode so far, keep up the good work, fellas!

paul staber

Remember wars are not won by the most competent army they are won by the least incompetent army.

Bjørnar Røsnes Ersdal

So nobody trusts nobody, people are sorta half-swearing oaths all over the place, wildcards are presenting themselves and a conflict for leadership is already in the works. Awesome. What could possibly go wrong?


Love the Mad Libs.


And yet, incredibly, this was the crusade that was largely successful. That's the part I can't wrap my mind around.


OMG! Dat was SO FUNNY!!!! Loved this episode! Would give this episode four thumbs up.... but... kitties don't have thumbs. o.o


We'll try to keep it as clear as we can! But they do get up to some pretty wild hijinks.


Yeah, it's an interesting line to tread, but we do often lean on the side of using modern (but anachronistic) terms to describe places in order to make them more recognizable (and sometimes, therefore, more interesting) to viewers who may be learning about this part of history for the first time. James may talk about it again in Lies, but I couldn't say for sure.


We actually did think about making them CAH cards! Among other things, we - or at least I (Soraya) - mainly felt that the art on CAH doesn't give us much to play on (black and white), and that Heather's adorable scribbles made more sense on a Mad Libs notebook than they would on a card. I could not part with the scribbles.


A lot of history that we tend to think of as fairly dull (or at least generically noble) is so, so much more mixed when you take a close look at it. In fact, the more famous stories probably more so than the rest, because they had so many more people recording all the details!


I really love your work. All of you. Please keep going with these history episodes. They're wonderful.


This series is the funniest Extra history by far. Keep it up.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't help but laugh at the tragicomic ridiculousness that the First Crusade has been!


Wow, this iteration is being the best for me too. Much funnier and easier to grasp. The costumes, accessories (beards, hats, eye patches), letters on characters chests (more than one sometimes) and the eventual banners with names fixed what was for me the biggest problem with the series: remembering the names of the central characters. Keep the awesome work, I think this iteration will make me increase my patronage ;)