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TL;DR: Each series will take roughly seven weeks (six episodes + Lies), so EH topic votes will occur every seven weeks after the end of a series.

We've been releasing episodes on a weekly schedule for two series now (Zulu Empire and Justinian & Theodora), and we've learned a few things. Mainly, that we really like to talk about history! We initially planned to have each series take four weeks, but when Justinian and Theodora went for six weeks, well... let's just say David is a champion, and we learned some valuable lessons about "planning your time wisely."

In the end, our takeaway was this: if we want to have six episode series (and we do) but not kill our artists (and we don't), then we need to keep ourselves on a steady seven-week rotation. That lets us discuss some subjects in greater depth, fill in gaps with occasional one-offs for more obscure history, BUT it also means we'll be having fewer topic votes since each new series is now spaced seven weeks apart.

If you're donating at the $5 tier, we want you to know what you're getting, so the reward has now been updated to reflect the fact that votes will occur every seven weeks! You can also expect the votes to be more regular: we'll hold them after the end of every series, so you can help us decide what's coming up on the schedule... and sometimes tell us to do sequels, as in the case of Justinian and Theodora. ;)



Will topics like the Broad Street Pump have enough history to fill seven episodes?


No, that one is looking like it'll probably be three episodes, maaaybe four! So to fill in the extra weeks, we're going to do mini-series or one-off episodes (no Lies component). For example, a lot of people felt that the Justinian series started too quickly with not enough background, so we're thinking about going back and doing a "State of the Empire" episode to flesh that out.


I'm all for this! I mean we voted in a second season of Justinian and Theodora it stands to reason the we want more details in the series. I personally have bought a book on Belisarius and on the Eastern Roman Empire so I'm very interested on how you cover the next "part" in the story.