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We've hired the best puzzle designers we know to create a massive, live action mystery for us to try and solve - as a team! Succeed or fail, we'll spend the evening together, enjoying games and each other's company at a special venue within walking distance of PAX. No PAX badge required!

Join us on August 30 at 8pm: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/extra-credits-puzzle-break-tickets-18161775359?aff=SSAnn



It sounds awesome! I wish I could be there!


I've solved the case. It was Robert Walpole, with the hollow sword, in the South Sea.

Tiberia Prima

Won't be anywhere near PAX for a while :/ Any chance you'll do something similar at Magfest?


Sadly the north atlantic ocean is in the way, and i lack around 1000£+ for planetickets, along with the fact that i dont have the time this year, but if you redo this sometime near PAX or E3 next year give me a heads up!


If it goes well, we'll do it again! Don't know how much of a heads up I can give about it though.


Ah, bummer! Just sold out :( Will you still be selling tickets at the PAX booth?


Afraid not. :( What's listed on the website was our full supply. But I saw you hopped on the waitlist, and you're at the #4 spot, so you may still get a ticket!