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What topic would you like us to see on Extra History? Cast your vote below and let us know! This series will air in early fall of 2018.

Current Schedule: Genghis Khan --> Empire of Mali --> The History of Non-Euclidean Geometry --> Your Vote!

Feel free to discuss your votes in the comments! We the Extra History team will be staying out of it (except to answer questions, should you have any) because we don't want to influence anyone's opinion.

Frederick Douglass: The Lion of Anacostia

Born a slave, Frederick Douglass would escape north and devote his life to destroying the institution of slavery. But as one of America’s most powerful orators, he soon found himself wrapped up in the struggle for women’s rights as well.

Michelangelo: The Divine One

Michelangelo’s art provoked such intense awe and that his contemporaries compared it to a feeling of terror. Yet behind the artistic virtuoso was a man consumed, both by perfectionism and a love forbidden by his Catholic faith.

Gustavus Adolphus: Father of Modern Warfare

 When he was sixteen, Gustavus Adolphus inherited the throne of Sweden—along with three wars. Over the next 21 years he would reform the state, win military valor, and help escalate a conflict that would come to devour most of Europe. 


1918 Flu Pandemic: The First Modern Plague

It killed more people than World War I, and may have killed more than both World Wars combined. The 1918 Flu Pandemic swept the world on steamships and railroads—as much a modern horror as chlorine gas and the machine gun.


Denizen Blue

How anyone can choose between any of these is a complete mystery to me. I want to see them all!


What time is the Genghis Khan episode coming out? 1800 GMT?