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We have some great episodes lined up, but unfortunately a personal emergency came up for some crew members. They're doing well, but in the interest of not pushing them during this difficult time, we've decided to take a break from Extra Credits and Extra History this week--which means that Genghis Khan #1 will be released on Saturday, February 17 (or Friday, February 16 for $3+ patrons).

Thank you all for your understanding and your support. 

In better news, we'll be voting on the Extra History topic for a future series on Saturday (for $5+ patrons!).



I hope they doing okay :)

Bill Lemmond

Hang in there, everyone. I'm happy to be able to help, in the tiny way I can. :)


Anything we can do? Say the word and a care package can be on the way.


dont worry you are doing nice


can't wait


DARN ~ That's One Opportunity for a Star Trek Quote missed. ;-)


So what you're saying is that you Genghis Khan't?


I thought you meant that Genghis's Flight from Mongolia to wherever it is you Guys are Based was Delayed Due to Strike Action initially. That's often the excuse over here when things go wrong.


No worry, take it easy guys !


Thoughts and feels for the crew with emergencies! We'll see them when they get back.


Hope they're all doing ok. We can wait a little longer :)


I think the community understands that sometimes junk happens. Give the parties involved all our prayers and know that we eagerly await this new series.


The Mongolian Empire wasn't built in a day. Hope things get better soon!