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We had a tight race this weekend, but ultimately the 1918 Flu Pandemic won out. Look for this series in the midsummer of 2018!

Current Schedule: Genghis Khan --> Empire of Mali --> The History of Non-Euclidean Geometry --> 1918 Flu Pandemic




I hope it doesn't make us all sick.


There better be at least one episode called 'One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest'


Sick of history? never! *hides old script drafts balled up in the corner, covered in sneezes*


I don't know much about this flu, really the only thing I know is that it canceled the 1918 Stanley Cup Final. I'm hoping Fredrick Douglass will appear again soon, hopefully he can gather the kind of support for a series that Bismarck did


My Mother will be Delighted by this Result. For myself, I Think it's a little bit Irritating Douglas lost, especially as he's a lot more Obscure here in Europe, and I Enjoy Stories with Heroes who stand up for the Rights of the Oppressed Masses.


how you feel about Douglas, we across the Atlantic feel about 1918 Flu Pandemic.


Nothing says welcome home from four years of war like a deadly outbreak of Spanish Flu.


Gustavus Adolphus, you shall have your day.... some day.


We are considering reviving a couple of these topics for future polls, especially as Gustavus was a very popular pick, *and* we do have an interest in the Thirty Years' War someday...


"Look for [the Spanish Flu] in midsummer". I better avoid the crowded beaches then...


This is going to be depressingly easy to tie to current events.\


Oh hey, this is topical...


"Alright, I just got back from Europe figthing for four years in the deadliest conflict known to man at the moment. Time to put my feet up and- oh you are joking!"


Oh, Gustavus Adolphus (of Gustav Adolf as he's originally called in Sweden) is second place. That's neat.

Will Weaver

The flu pandemic winning out is strangely appropriate considering the current...uh, flu pandemic.


this might sound real lazy and cheap to make a suggestion here but what about the sack of Rome?