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I deviated from my original plan quite a bit, but the original draft for GT20 was too rough. I didn't feel right posting it as is so I did a massive overhaul of it. It now flows a lot smoother and should actually be enjoyable to read. Anyways, I left off with quite a cliffhanger last time. Tyler and Jake had grown too much too fast. How could they expect to get out of the room without breaking a wall or two down? Well maybe Sam has an idea that'll save them all some time and property damage. Read the current chapter on tumblr (18+ link http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/93577359424/geno-type-part-20 ) Or check out the index. ( http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/89802791549/geno-type )


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