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So I have been using this really nifty anime avatar maker as sort of a tool for drafting character designs. I tend to have an idea in my mind when I start creating a character, but I have found that if I don't have a visual reference locked in I will forget some of the character's physical traits (like, did they have wavy/curly/straight hair? What shade of brown? Eye color?) so having these have helped a lot... plus I am a huuuuge nerd and it's a lot of fun for me. (avatar maker found here: http://www.rinmarugames.com/game/?game_id=421 ) The major drawbacks of this program is that the base character is androgynous so it doesn't do a good job at conveying character build. So big, burly, beefcakes like Alan and John look just as scrawny and shrimpy as Kagerou and Scherzo. Chacter names and series are: Row 1: Alan, Steve, John, Kyle, Dan (Above Average) and James (Hyper-Active Imagination) Row 2: Tyler, Jake, Sam, Dalton, Lyle (Geno-Type) and Scias (unnamed series) Row 3: Claves, Leo, Timpani, Scherzo (Claves: The Midnight Marauder) and Kagerou and Masurao (Vanda Academy) Row 4: Mike, Troy, and Ike (Big Changes) Jackson and Gak (Gooed Friends) and Lance (Discogrowphy) More info can be found on my tumblr ( http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/92795472709/i-have-taken-to-using-this-anime-avatar-maker )



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