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So the theme I was given to work with this month was "multi-limb", and I had been hammering away at commission fics for so long I really needed to just let my creative juices run wild. Fortunately this theme allows for some experimentation. To be honest though, I super duper love slime boys and have been looking for an excuse to play with the theme. This was a perfect excuse to try it, but the problem was I fell in love with the characters for this and the story ballooned from a short little ficlet to a full fledged story. Not that I am complaining. I loved the chance to let my mind and my kinks run wild. This story's quite the mixed bag as far as themes go though. Of course it's guy multi-limbs and slime dude, but there's also some cuddly consentacle play as well as some sappy romance and of course there's some mild muscle and junk growth for good measure :9 Read it over on tumblr (18+ http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/92621730419/patreon-monthly-gooed-friends )


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