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The Ishvalan War of Extermination

Me: "I want to learn more about the war of Ishval!"
Anime: "Be careful what you wish for.."


Lijnaito2021 !

So if you want to even more haunting image if you go back and look when the ishvalens are running away and that giant wall appears where they get shot at. It's major Armstrong that brought that wall up. He caused all those deaths because he blocked them in

Mu Lopes

That's how war goes. Soldiers are pawns that end up with blood in their hands for the greed of a few cowards that remain at home working behind a desk. You got worked up about them celebrating the end of the war but think how many times that actually happened in our world. They don't really understand what was behind the war and just want to go home, so that's victory enough for them.