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A Bride in the Vermilion Forbidden City

I'm sorry, but this episode confused TF out of me..lol



This episode was pretty fast paced so it's hard to stay on board, but basically the Chinese eunuch elites (lipstick wearing goofy sounding people) agreed to sell off their Empress to Odysseus, one of Lelouch's many half sibling, to be on good terms with Britannia as they are the most powerful nation. Xing-Ke thinks it is immoral to sell your soul to Britannia and tries to stop the wedding but Zero then captures the Empress, in order to halt the bond between China and Britannia. Basically Zero and Xing-Ke have similar motives, but Zero having the empress as hostage gives him a pawn for negotiations and he sees that she is more safe with the Black Knights than with China, but Xing-Ke sees it as a betrayal (which it kinda is). Also, idk if you noticed but Orange is like half android at this point after surviving 3 near death moments in season 1, the boy just never dies

Shinjira .

Don't worry, I had no idea what was going on too when I first watched it. You are doing great on your first watched through, it will be further explained later on.