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THIS GOT INTENSE!!!  Some serious character growth for Shoyo is unfolding here.


Brandon Guzman

Shoyo is just a garbage player. The only reason he’s good is because Kageyama makes him good. That’s why he wants to be better. He wants to be able to stand and fight his own battles

Shawn Vega

Whoa idk about garbage it is pretty clear that his basics like receiving and serving aren't great but I don't think that makes him garbage he just has to improve in some areas.


i don't necessarily think what lev said was poison to shoyo, it just made him start thinking that he wasn't going to get anywhere without growth. i also think that this episode and shoyo and asahi's moment was just what the entire team needed to grow as a whole. there will be a lot of team growth and character development happening.

Ace of Kpop

Unpopular opinion (probably): I think Kageyama is actually the one being selfish here. By saying Hinata's "will isn't needed here", he's saying Hinata should shut up and just do as Kageyama says. To me that's very "king of the court" behavior. Hinata wanting to change anything up means Kageyama no longer has complete control over him, and he doesn't like that. Hinata thought he and Kageyama were partners: standing on equal footing with each other and having a mutual respect. But what Kageyama said to him goes entirely against that; basically shattering the image of their relationship Hinata thought they had (for the moment). Hinata WAS greedy when he ran into Asahi, but I think he realized it as soon as they collided. Hinata feels trapped and stagnant, especially since everyone seemingly agrees with Kageyama that he should shut up and stick with the status quo. But, the status quo is what had them lose against Oikawa, so to Hinata it seems wrong that he should stay the same.