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Here's the animation we mentioned on Wednesday. This is another Blender animation test we organized to try out potential animators with our team. The animator here is Entduke, with miro handling the render and video edit (you'll notice he had a bit of fun with timing the beats to the music).

This jiggle test was created using basic bones setup. Let us know what you think of it.





Weakest content I've seen from Miro.


Jiggle was well done I think and I like the effects with music. However, didn't show the characters faces, I don't even know who the girl riding is. Its whatever, nothing too special but I appreciate it none the less. Just keep up the work on the main movie, thats why I'm here.

David Vega

has miro given up? this is pathetic


First impressions:


(Let's try that again) First Impressions: 1. Nice jiggle, it did seem to work like it should have. 2. The anal looked a bit off, it seems lower than it should be.


(Dammit!, still not use to this chat mode) 3. Where's the pussy? Or was the top a futa as well? It seem to be missing on the out-stroke.


The jiggle looks nice, but the contact between the two characters is atrocious, especially at the start. The girl's on top hands pretty much float above the dickgirl. The hands on hips in the second part are done very well compared to the first part, but still feel kind of floaty. It would be nice to see some hint of squeezing/pushing. Also if you're showing off your progression/learning maybe stay away from weird angles and weird visual effects? At this point in time I feel you're using them to hide mistakes in the animations. Again, it's good that you are learning, but this is nothing I haven't seen done better by a number of 'amateurs' on their twitter accounts. Get your OCs ported so at least this feels like something done by Miro and not just some random dude on the net playing with public models.


Hmm not feeling this one at all honestly :/


The ass jiggling looking good for me. For the boobs it would be nice not to see them swing alwasys the same way. More diversity would have been more enjoyable. Seeing more of the girls and not only their ass in most angles is also something you should change next time. Beside that the progress for the Blender animations seems to get better.


yes, a jiggle test and I specifically enjoyed playing with the video edit, so those were important to me here I get what you're saying and I usually pay special attention to the details like contact, etc, but that wasn't the point of this animation test


I focused on the ass only for this one, the other parts of the animation didn't work well but the ass povs looked great, imo, that's what I was trying to capture


Looks like a ps2 animation. It looks like it's just a repeated cycle. Jiggle is fine.. But that's it. There's no life to this. It's like watching two sex dolls with forced, jerky animation. The original trailer for Girlfriends4Ever was higher quality that this. What's happening guys?

Nick Malm

Well I think that ass jiggle looks great. It made me excited to see 🤤😜


mannnn come on.

Dino Divo

I'm a big fan of the top model (not sure of her name) but great to see some THICC going on!


Her name is Claire, lots of other artists use her as well, great intro to blender models. Look up generalbutch and rigid3d's animation using her. you won't be disappointed.


For me, the primary flaw to this clip is that it feels ... too robotic ... in a Porn By Numbers kind of way. Lisa's head motion is 1:1 locked to Clarice's movement, which very quickly looks forced and therefore faked. Would have been a lot better to move to a 1:2 or even a 1:3 cycle of Lisa head motion to Clarice's movement in order to feel more "natural" overall. The edits and added visual effects do not do this clip much if anything in the way of favors. Seeing the animation OBVIOUSLY reverse direction looks like an obvious animation error is obvious kind of thing. The speed multiplier speed up also looked pretty hokey and obviously "fake" in a (failed) bid to attempt some variation in tempo. Here, a ramp up/ramp down to a different tempo ratio would have worked much better, such as a 3:2 vs the previous 1:1 so as to provide that variation without being a straight up x2 speed multiplier. Once again, the camera angles miro chose for this did the clip no real favors. There's a kind of sad voyeur vibe to the camera positions and angles chosen, mainly because the focus is on showing off two people fucking, rather than on displaying any kind of intimacy between them, let alone developing any sense or feeling of arousal prompted by what we're seeing. The lack of face time, eye contact, reaction expressions in response to what is happening (all miro trademark factors since G4E DLC1, sadly) turns the whole scene into a dispassionate ho-hum boring thing to look at and watch. It's like Lisa and Clarice are simply "going through the motions" to get the sex act on film (for a weak porn director), rather than being something that either of them is "into" regardless of the camera being there. Basically, they're performing for the camera ... not for each other (with the camera simply lucky enough to capture views of them getting aroused and passionate with each other). So when other reviewers above say that this clip feels "empty" and "weak" to them, there's a reason for that ... because no effort was attempted to make this anything other than (as Ryupyroa put it) "like watching two sex dolls with forced, jerky animation." In all of the ways that really count, I put the blame for this less than satisfactory result on miro as a result of choice of camera positions/angles/movements for what to render, and for the lackluster editing and cheesy visual effects. My negative criticism for Entduke is that it would be better to create a less ... robotic ... set of body movements that cycle 1:1 with each other like we're seeing here, and put more effort into facial expressions and response/reactions to what is happening so as to "spiritually draw in" the audience and give them "permission to attune" themselves and identify with one or both of the characters in the sex scene. If there's no effort made to draw people's feelings INTO a sex scene, then they're just going to be Dispassionate Observers merely WATCHING a sex scene with a lot less investment/involvement in what is happening. Overall: 4 out of 10 ... mainly because of what miro did with (and asked for) in this scene. Sure, miro may have gotten what miro asked for, but I contend that miro should have known better and asked for more than what we get from this scene.


1. Please render the video files with 60fps. Porn greatly benefits from the increased motion clarity. (If you can afford the increased rendering time) 2. Please specify the color matrix in the video files. BT601 or BT709 or REC2020. This will improve the color accuracy as well as the greyscale accuracy.


rendering is fast with the setup we're using with blender, so 60fps is feasible and would help with the speed shifts not sure what the color matrix is actually


Jesus christ, people don't seem to understand this is more of a test video than something to get them off. Jiggle physics are great. I would like more of a slight ripple effect from the point of contact, I know that's probably not in the realm of possibility though.


I think they get it. They just don't like it. It's coming in the middle of a content drought so if the quality isn't up to snuff, then the feedback is bound to be harsh.


it's actually very difficult to get agreeable animation but I personally really like this one, especially the angles, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it


AFAIK the default colorspace for Blender is sRGB. sRGB and REC.709 share the same color matrix. However the transfer function for brightness contains a different gamma function. My video player is guessing the colorspace and the brightness values. The best guess by the software is BT709 and limited range of brightness values (16-235). AFAIK, sRGB should actually span the brightness values (0-255) As a consequence the brightness values, interpreted by the video player are wrong.


Entduke did a good job of delivering what was asked for. What should have been better was the ask for from miro.


Good point, I guess I'm just still willing to wait. There's other stuff out there, y'know? I'd rather wait for something really good than get something sub-par on time.


Huh... Weird, right? It's almost like people are frustrated that after 3+ years of no tangible progress or clear news about the main project, and wildly inconsistent quality/quantity side content, said big project got unexpectedly delayed very short of it's long held release date. Oh and of the 5-6 pieces of content that were promised for Nov-Dec (content that was so vital to be released that it derailed the long awaited big project) only 1 item has been released and we are almost 1 week into December. True this has nothing to do with a test video, but what can you expect when this is the first piece of content in about a month ?


Jiggle seems great. Could've fooled me though on the hole being penetrated. Without the title, I'd have assumed that was her pussy. Maybe it's the angle. If it's a test, it definitely looks like one when compared to the standard we usually enjoy out of A3D patreon content. As a whole, the 15 second loop animations with stock characters are really just not doing it. This is easily something that I wouldn't care if it's axed if it's one of the things taking up time/resources. Sounds like it's just a way of recruiting new animators though, which is definitely cool. As others pointed out, "there's other stuff out there" when it comes to that content. Looking forward to seeing A3D characters in some more dynamic short animations like what we're used to seeing.


Good point. There is other stuff out there. That doesn't mean you shouldn't hold one creator to account because others are making content. Anyway if you're afraid of getting sub-par stuff on time you've made a good choice in supporting Miro. History has shown he's rarely on time :D.


Disappointment happens when you wait ... and still get sub-par results anyway.


I like big butts and I cannot lie. That alone was enough for me. I feel like there should be more fat bottom girls sometimes - not just booba :)


We'll be more clear on what's being tested. Since we've ported Cerene she'll be showing up in animations, like the last one. But some tests take longer than others, that means that animation tests with non A3D characters took longer to complete, if that makes sense.


Yeah, always have to deal with delays, but text updates will explain the status on what we're working on. IBT, don't assume stuff you don't and can't know. Let's just leave at that. The ass ripple is def possible, but this a different technique. We're trying various approaches including blend keys, cages, bones and physics simulations to see which yields the best results in terms of performance, complexity and look depending on the dynamic and type of position.


it seems the last few tests were favorable, so let's not get our nickers in a twist when there's one that isn't to your personal liking... I liked this one more than others actually I do get the wait issue though, that is something we're working on constantly


yep blender uses sRGB Rec709, actually will look into the color space thing, I remember seeing a vid that it made quite a big difference


I think the sentiment from most comments here can be summarized with "Thank you for showing us preview and test renders but please don't let this be a stand in for actual content". We're subbed for Miro or at the very least similar quality. Training new people to do animations is a great idea as I'm sure it will pay off, but we've only had a handful of animations this year, it would be nice to see more content from the pros.


Agreed, I'm pretty 'filler' averse at this point.


If the focus was really just on the butt jiggling then good job team, I like big butt a little more toned but that's just personal taste, I also really liked when she grabbed her around the waist. Nice touch.

Icarus Unleashed

I agree with the 1:1 lockstep animation comment in an earlier post... I'd like to see some more random (or seemingly random) motion and reactive expressions. The jiggle and animation is great for the girl on top, but the one on the bottom looks and acts like a robot... no jiggle, no expression... which distracted from the great shapes and jiggles. I was not a fan of the camera shake aspect... it made the animation feel a bit like a computer game to be honest (something out of final fantasy X or the suchlike). ALL that being said, as a test, it's a great one. Sometimes folks forget (or don't know) just how much work it takes to make something look natural. We take things like physics, sweat, emotions, reactions, etc for granted and every single aspect has to be calculated, designed, and built in to the animation. I've been toying with unreal engine and unity, building out models that react to physics "naturally", and I can tell you just how hard it is to get that to look realistic in any way. Great job. Looking forward to more.