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Heya, Alice here. I've made a short survey about the one-off promo codes that are part of the reward systems of Regular / Founders Tier 1 and Tier 2. 

I'm curious to know what you think of the promo code as a reward in general, what you've done with yours (or what you intend to do with it), and whether you would replace it with a different reward if you could. 

We'll use the info we get through this survey to see if there's something we can do to improve the promo code or if there's a more appealing reward that we could replace it with. 

You can take this survey if:

  • you've previously received a 5% or 10% promo code 
  • you recently joined a tier through which you'll receive a 5% or 10% promo code 
  • you're currently in WIP Train Updates Only but considering an upgrade to another tier

Patreon Promo Code Survey

You can take this survey until Sunday, January 19th 2020. It'll take 5 minutes or less. :)

Promo Code Expiry Dates

IMPORTANT: if you received a promo code with an expiry date at some point, that expiry date no longer applies. We've disabled all the expiry dates, so promo codes can be used at any point in the future.   

Patreon General Experience Survey

Later this month we'll post another survey to ask you about how your general experience as a patron has been, so if you have additional feedback that isn't promo code related, please reserve your feedback for that survey post. :)



It's good that you got rid of expiry dates.


I think I wound up using my promo code simply because it had an expiration date on it.


Yeah, this is part of why gift cards in the US now have to be honored indefinitely. A promo code isn't cash per se, but it's similar.

Liam Devlin

I'm awaiting the release of the next video to use my tier coupon.