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We've been working on Raven's dick prop and it's coming along nicely. It's still a work in progress, so we're sharing some WIP images to see what you think of it so far.

 Quick recap about Raven's dick stats for anyone who's new on the block - length, thickness and shape were determined by the CYOD polls and we used these criteria for the look: 

  • 20 inches long when erect
  • same thickness as Cerene's dick
  • comes with balls 

 You can also find all the images in the attachments. No password required.

An artist called Nothingmore3d is working on the look of Raven's dick. You can check out his artwork on Slushe. :)




She's super hot. I prefer a shorter dick tho, Cerene's or Sayako's length.

Bob Fink

WOW, now that's one huge cock, is anyone going to be able to take the whole thing in their mouth or pussy?


Amazing, love her! <3

Space Banker

On paper 20 inches may sound nice, but in reality that thing is comical.

Sgt Parge Lenis

She's looking like an remake model of Blackadders Girls :D


Her huge and heavy dick should hang down to cling the balls in Pic02. Don't know why but her soft and erect have same length and girth. Should her soft dick smaller thinner and shorter? No matter man or girl, after some action, they would be death by snu snu. ;)


Colossal waste of time.


The girl is hot, but I feel like some voters confused inches with centimeters :P




I would give her a true blood penis, so it should be the half of the size if it's not erected and the visuel impact would be greater and better if her dick gets hard. ^^ And an other thing this dick doesn't have the dickshape from the survey! Option 2 won and there is the head smaller then the shaft from the dick, this should be changed a bit too. And you never made a poll about the balls size, i think they should be a bit bigger. ^^

John McCarthy

(( BigDaddy here )) ... what in the hell is happening ?? Remember some years back when Sayako had a15 ... perfect ! look like a dick too ... then all of a sudden 20 came into the atmosphere by the fans .. it came it went it came it went ... well look what we have now !? ... OK so now this is the new frontier ! at least make it resemble a dick ! like the old 15 ... it's starting to look like a piece of PVC pipe with a head at the end ... maybe in a few years will go for the big 23 ...

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Her head is too small and I know this is still wip but there is a lack of "detail" (or something @_@), compared with the other girls. IDK if it's lighting or intentional design choice (wip!) but her cock looks kind of "fake", to me. Like a dildo.


20 inch just makes the model look really bad... 10-15 was big enough...


The 20 incher is a bit much. Downsides of design by committee. Should have just done a weighted average of the length. She's still an interesting model. Hopefully she's interesting in motion.


Raven carries a 20 incher far better than Cerene ever did in my opinion.


The mega oversized stuff was sort of fun in the 'fun stuff' section. Now it seems to be the new norm and it kinda just ruins everything by making it seem over the top. What's the point of having something no one can believe will ever fit in a pussy? Comical is my first impression of her tbh.


Would like something in the lines of 12 inches, to each their own though imo 12 that is shaped nicely while being moderately thick with slightly larger balls that sag down more so than now (not by a lot) will be lovely, we have the huge dongers already even at 12 is rather large. :D


20 does seem excessive but I’m willing to keep an open mind and see how it works with her partners.


Not going to complain as this was a patreon vote that decided the 20 inch. Still really like this new particular character that I hope to see more. Not sure if she will ever be animated but if it were I'd prefer it somewhere in the 14-16 inch range as I find that a 'sweet' spot for these models as I find 20 incher a bit silly outsider of the fun section. Then again, I guess you could argue this create your dick girl is a fun project :). Nice to see a Collab with nothingmore.


only spent a few mins in PS doing this so it's quite rough, though you get the idea https://drive.google.com/open?id=18_oAjxtXJFFYBENyqHjguSKVBGQ-zGzw not exactly what I had in mind though imo the proportions are nicer

Andrew Rowe

Rave for Raven! Can't wait to c her in action w/ the other dickgirls. 🤤❤ Raven w/ an big ebony dickgirl. - Andrew

Andrew Rowe

A 20 inch cock is impressively perfect.


I'm gonna be the odd one out, because that 20 incher is perfect.


Considering Raven shape I though this cock size could fit (and maybe I voted for it, can't remember). But I agree with other comments, it doesn't fit. With this breast and cock there's now way she could keep her balance with an hard on.


This is why fan voting is terrible, the cock looks comical along with the breasts.


Just wanted to say the 20 incher looks great and the curves do too. I appreciate the piercings being omitted as well. Super happy with the look.


This is just about as aesthetically perfect as you could have made this model given the wild parameters. I more than understand people's frustrations with fan voting ending up with ridiculous proportions caused by an ocean of people with least common denominator opinions flooding out everything else. Whether or not voting is a good idea is a separate issue. But I will say that I actually think this is excellently done despite that, and looks really good. Not everyone can make huge tits and cocks look right in a 3D space, and this is the best work I've ever seen even approaching this size. Well done. Saving all the pics, send more soon.


Her dick drastically shrinks in size when flaccid, I don't know what you are talking about.


Some tweaks that could be made to Raven: • Shoulders are a bit too narrow and could be broadened a little bit. My reason for wanting to widen the shoulders a little is to better balance her upper body with her hips. Doesn't need to a large increase in shoulder width, but a little more would help. • I know that the arms (upper and forearm) are certainly larger than miro tends towards, but her arms don't match the proportions of her legs or the muscularity of her abdominals. I'm thinking that increasing the thickness of the upper arm and forearm by a little bit would help balance her arms and legs (legs are FINE!) a bit better than I'm seeing in this preview. I'm also thinking that her hands seem to be too small/girly in proportion to her overall frame and increasing the size of her hands (not too much!) would help the overall balance of her feminine(!) form. • I think her testicles could stand to be a bit larger inside of her scrotum. To be specific, her balls don't need to hang any *lower* … but to balance the size of her penis she ought to have "bigger eggs" in her scrotum in order to better match the size of her penis (especially when erect).


I think she looks great, it's just that the posing and lighting for image 3 is really unflattering. It's definitely the image that makes the proportions a bit awkward.


Having another look at these images and ... I think her head/skull isn't the right size for her body. To me this is most obvious in 05 where there's this "tiny" head on a mature woman's body. On my screen, the 05 pic has her head being about 280 pixels tall ... but if I measure from the bottom of her heel to the top of her head she's about 1600 pixels tall WHILE SITTING DOWN with her back and legs at a slight angle(!). That's a ratio of 5.7:1 in head heights WHILE SEATED, when the normal human proportions are 7:1 while standing. Spoiler alert, I don't think her thighs are about 1 head height long(!) ... not with a cock that long dangling between them. Think you're going to need to make her head bigger to balance her overall body proportions better. You can get away with 7.5 to 8 head heights when going for statuesque or "heroic" body proportions, but when you get much beyond that things start getting unbalanced and start to "look wrong" overall. Also going to have to agree with the notion that because of how much weight is "out in front" of her (above AND below!), you're going to need to be more careful than you're depicting here miro with your standing poses with her. As is, her center of mass/gravity has to be somewhere out in front of her abdominal wall due to the weight of her breasts combined with her erection. The best way to counterbalance this in posing her is to have her "lean back" from the ankles (not the waist/hips!) a little bit more so that she's standing with a very slight backwards tilt from the ankles on up compared to other characters. Some 4-8º of tilting back like this would help her look a little less prone to faceplanting due to overbalancing forwards. The effect would be to make it look like she was balancing her weight on her heels, rather than on her toes, if she were ... less well endowed ... in front ... but since she is so well endowed, in front, it would wind up looking more believable that she could hold her stance without falling over.


The model is stunningly beautiful. I really like what Nothingmore3d is doing here. Can't wait to see her in motion. Thanks!


next time can we add wider hips to the vote?


I think her head might look small because her assets are big, but I'll wait to pass judgement until I see her next to other characters.


I would have almost been worried if the 20incher didn't get some push back, lol... but you can't really judge from just a few wips... I think she looks great so far, can't wait to see her in action :D


Forgot to say that in addition to my other praise that the new cock model looks amazing. The subtle veins when flaccid that pump up when erect was a great touch. And the skin looks super smooth without being fake looking. That's a dick worth worshipping.


Despite the over-long issue, I will certainly agree that Nothingmore3d is doing excellent work on Raven's penis! Making it custom at the intended size (both flaccid and erect) is definitely the way to go! However, miro, this also means that "instant erections" with Raven are strictly forbidden! Part of Nothingmore3d's design work remit ought to include making sure that Raven's full futa package looks GOOD across the entire spectrum of full flaccid to full erection so that you can do SLOW erections with her that take longer than 3-6 seconds to finish.

Amp Lexus

I think you guys did fantastic work on her face and curves. Face is the most beautiful of all the Affect3D models. The tone, athletic body with a nice breast implant look is just very very very sexy. A personal favorite look. The cock, while too comically long imo (14 inches would be better), has a great shape and nice taper. At least it doesn't look like a baseball bat (like Cerene's with the overly bulbous head).


Big fan of Nothingmore. Love to see you collaborating.


Her body is amazing, and can't wait to see the dick updates! At the moment it feels a little... out of proportion, but that is probably just the sheer length as I felt the same with Cerene's. I love the idea of huge size till I actually see it done in such an excellent way. But I love her body and face and can't wait for more!


Yeah I'd agree with the length being too long. I absolutely love her body shape though and her face/expressions are fantastic. I think the length is too much when erect, but I actually really like how it looks when flaccid, maybe because it's behaving realistically and that anchors it a bit. I think maybe a compromise if it ever comes to animation side, would be to make Raven a "show-er" rather than a grower. So far both Sayako and Cerene both have a shorter length when flaccid and vastly expand when erect. Maybe instead of having a 20 inch erect length, she instead walks around at a similar flaccid length to Sayako's erect length, yet thinner in girth. Her aroused state would have her cock rising, becoming more girthy and far more vascular (with some subtle throbbing animations for bonus points), but not necessarily any longer. I feel like if she's kept that that 20 inch erect length, something else has to change to keep it from being "Cerene, but bigger". Varying the shape a bit, making it thinner but far more vascular. As for thickness, I'm not sure how much thicker you can go at that length. If it was shorter I feel like you could experiment girth more, but Cerene already set the bar super high in that department.

Dexter Music

Hell yes... bigger is better.


Yeah I don't typically love his dicks, but the combined style looks really great here.


I know this wasn't your call, Miro, but 20 inches on anything that's not a monster (dragon, giant, etc) has always come off as extreme and just plain silly.


I absolutely adored her in her previous appearances ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/create-your-own-31511528 and https://www.patreon.com/posts/create-your-own-31200614 ) but in this one her face is ... repulsive. I can't put a finger on it but something is wrong. Maybe it's just the lighting. Perhaps a not so point chin could help?


This looks amazing so far! I love the way its turning out. Since you asked, here is my personal take! Ithink the head could definitely be thicker in every way, would kind of balance the length out. Also, more veins!! On a related/unrelated note, when this is all said and done I would love to see a side by side comparison of all the girls! Would be awesome to see them all lined up, and see how they size up to eachother.


yea after looking again give wider hips and definitely thicker maybe more muscular/toned legs to match the upper body. the flaccid length should be the erect length, the erection just looks too long. maybe add some girth. if this character is final then be sure to put these in the next vote

John Douglas

Wots next 50 inches it's very Laughable to be honest we all either man or woman not orks with big f off dick


I miss the days when without magic Sayako was the biggest one and treated as unique because of that :3 I don't think we need to go further than Cerene at all, as Sayako seemed the best naturally. Cerene got hers via magic, and going any bigger than that unless she was a monster of some kind I do think would be a bit too much imo, and potentially limiting to the kind of poses that can be done when we know it will be hitting their inner chest cavity :3 I agree with the person that mentioned about avoiding it becoming "Cerene, but bigger" and I don't think it necessarily has to either match or surpass lengths to be appealing. If anything even if her size was slightly less than Sayako's she wouldn't be any less appealing or beautiful or unique. She's unique in ways that don't have anything to do with her schlong size being gigantic and thats great too :) That said, she looks very beautiful :) I look forward to seeing how things continue to progress. I agree with most of the sentiments about the hips. But she's all beautiful.


Her Penis looks great! Honestly though.... I could not care less about it when the Raven looks just sooooooo incredible! Great work! Ps: 20inch are fine imo but just don't much higher.... 30 would be too much imo


dick evolution :D... not about size, but now that she's all grown up, will she put it to good use?


you're describing Cerene's dick shape, want something different for Raven... I'm sure we'll do comparisons down the track


can't go thicker, would make bjs too extreme... I'm less concerned about the length though, because which girl doesn't like going deep :P

Xavier Hall

Image 3 is not a bad shot


I don't mind the length, but something about the cock is... unappealing. Maybe because the bottom of it seems to "sag", maybe because the head is too small, but overall, I don't like it. However, Raven looks stunning and I can't wait to see finished images. :P


Also, I don't like balls on these futas. That's just a personal preference. :)


Finally, consider giving her a wider/thicker waist. I think somehow she's ended up way too thin there, and with her thighs and shoulders being wide, the waist just doesn't seem to fit.


Tbh bigger is better but to a certain extent...20 is great 25 is perfect 30 is a bit too much but still good and 40 is way too much imo