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Here's the first Bloodlust WIP update of 2020 - and this is going to be a longer one because we've got some catching up to do. 

We started researching motion capture in 2019 and we've begun using it for the production of Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term 'motion capture': 

  • motion capture (or mocap for short) is the process of recording movement of real life people or objects. Motion capture software can be used to digitally record movement and apply it to characters and objects in animations. 

 The WIP video that we're posting today is a preview of one of our initial experiments with motion capture. (It's not a final render and this scene will be tweaked some more.)  

You can find the zip file in the attachments. Use a free zip extractor like 7zip or Keka (for Mac users) to unpack the video and enter the password to view the file.   

The password is: vid33

Why are we exploring mocap?

Realism. (Not in the 20inch dick sense, but other areas. :P)

We make all kinds of body gestures and facial expressions when we're going about our day. When we're animating that stuff the traditional way, everything's got to be animated by hand and it really depends on the animator's style and skills whether it ends up looking realistic, cartoonish or just not that great.

Motion capture can make animations more realistic in terms of human motion. It's not done as soon as the recording is over because the raw file still requires some clean-up, but there's a solid base derived from real human motion to work with. So with proper instructions for the mocap actors, it's a time saver compared to traditional animating. 

It's the reason why game developers and Disney use mocap for their projects.  

For Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown we're taking it one step at a time, so we'll be using mocap only for the non-sex scenes. In general mocap is still relatively new to us, so we've still got wiggle room to improve our current workflow.

Hope you liked this update :)



Larile Millvet

"mocap only for the non-sex scenes" .... for now🤭


Soo, how is the next big movie coming out? Didn't the last one air in Novemeber of 2018? So maybe this November?


This sounds incredible, I await further updates on the edge of my seat. I have to ask though you aren’t taking too much of Kvento’ time i hope? hyped for Blood Crown as i am. I’d like danger zone 3 soon.


Interesting .... i love what mocap has done for the video game industry.


Looks like Cerene will have a power bottom role to two massive futa cocks, which is exactly what I hoped for from this movie. Good use of characterization in establishing a unique sexual dynamic; can't wait to see more. As much as I love seeing Cerene in control and dicking other women into unconsciousness, if she is going to be on the receiving end this is the right way to do it. Keep up the good work and please keep us posted.




That first cock blocked of new dickgirl time always come with more urge to do more. ;)

Clayton Brody

Pretty exciting to know your implementing new techniques. Excited to see how much the animation/physics will have advanced since Royal Descent, the new "cum build" is already pretty amazing. This is making me HELLA anxious for a trailer/teaser to Blood Crown. RD's was godlike. Maybe this question was already addressed before, but are you still splitting Blood Crown into two parts? I remember the original plan - two parts shorter episodes. This still the case or.......


They may as well release the full thing at this point. 2 years for half a movie is a terrible business practice


that is an assumption and some, even with miro being legendary at terrible estimates I highly doubt they'd push out half a vid after this long of a wait. really want to say more though i respect people I chat with from there far to much :)

John Douglas

This is great news to hear soo can not wait to see sum hand touching of boobs when they are having sex and sum ass touching to and sum kissing hope all your characters get used soo because there is no need for bulge woo hoo and not forgetting dirty talking to more of that


the mo-cap doesn't apply to sex atm if that's what your referring to :D


It's may be my imagination that Frame 850-900, Sophia's body flow to the right as Lenessa And Cerene have still on her same size so it will not be about aspect. Frame 1110-1250, Sophia tried to insert her dick into Cerene's tits horizontal while before that Sophia wrap her tits to sandwich hers. That mean she has to step back 1-2 step due to her dick before got cock-blocked. In case you overlook, Cerene's handcuffs still has no chain on it, you should chain or something on its. Or at least make some light animation like Dick growth and turn its invisible.


The mo-cap is certainly adding an extra layer of "life" to the motions/animation of the characters which is honestly quite believable. It adds additional subtleties that wouldn't be there if this were being animated by hand purely inside the computer. Just the way that Lanessa shifts her weight from foot to foot in the background of this shot works really well and keeps her "alive" within the camera frame. The body language on all of the characters is also improved and more intuitively "readable" when seen. Overall, this looks (and sounds) like a serious upgrade in possibilities, particularly if it enables better character interactions during character development and "story mode" elements of films between the sex scenes.


I'm now more excited for this chapter then ever. My only complaint is Sophia not having balls.. it just looks off to me! I like all my futas/dickgirls to have cock and balls and huge tits!


Sophia : Cerene I should thank you... Yeah you should thank you so that you could know how does it feel when doing anal as a man and also got her revenge to fuck Cerene. Not only Cerene, she could go back to the castle with her dick and fuck Tristan in the ass as he want it so long. lol

Bob Fink

Looks awesome, I can't wait to see more done in MOCAP.

Andrew Rowe

I'm all for this, I know there'll be a learning curve. But it'll be worth it. More realism... Yay! (I know... 20 inch cocks, not very realistic.)😘Marie & Alice - Andrew


Mocap is certainly interesting and looking forward to seeing what can be done with it. Serge3dx uses it for some of his animations which I personally find pretty great. Would be interested seeing a post down the line that details how mocap is benefitting the work you do and how faster it is doing things you'd normally hand animate just to give more of an insight on the work.

John McCarthy

I kind of liked the sound track myself ... be nice to hear the whole track ! ... sounds like the beginning of a good film ...


hmmm technology!!!

Snake Plissken

Hoping mocap will lead to some speedups in the pipeline! I wonder is it accurate enough to capture the fluid like movement of breasts? (You’d need a big breasted actress) or is that going to always have to be hand crafted


100% agreed. I like the things we've seen from Cerene's attitude so far.


Mocap is great!


Seeing Cerene on the receiving end but still giving off that air as if she's in control is A+ amazing. Great to see the ambition continuing with the use of mocap. The dynamic with the tables being turned is awesome. Exploring the idea of Sophia being in a more commanding position and how her demeanor might shift as a result, as well as Cerene being in a compromised position yet still maintaining that femme-fatale stature is the most interesting thing about the next release. With this being the third release of these characters, there's a ton of "attitude" that's been able to be set, outside of the sex that should serve to make the scenes that much more impactful if done well. Would be interesting to see Sophia have go through a bit of an adjustment period ("The first nut is always slippery"). It's her first experience with having a cock. Wouldn't be surprised if Cerene tries to use that to her advantage to try and regain some control 😏

Jonathan Dang

I will be frank I am not a huge fan of how enormous Cerene's breasts are. Then again I never have been. However, you won me over with the production value of your original GF4E series, and you still hold my interest with your current content. I'm digging the nuances of the scene, and definitely looking forward to seeing how this will all turn out when it's all said and done :)

Snake Plissken

i hope we get some time where dickless cerene gets totally slammed down and forced to submit


I don't know about you, but I prefer to ... hand craft ... the movement of big breasts ... \o/


I've taken liberties with Cerene's boobage :P but the other two girls balance things out nicely imo


there's still a decent amount of time involved in the clean-up, but overall it's faster and once we've gotten good at it, it will add a lot of realism


we're still improving the process (so far only body mocap) but long-term it'll boost speed and realism

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I don't know if I can get behind this whole "capturing of motion" thing. Sounds like witchcraft to me. I'm going to need more clips to ease me into this, mad fever dream of a concept. Preferably with full voice tracks...and no music. :D


Hmm this could have great potential, but the first, second and third thing that came to mind when seeing this was 'Jesus how many years will this add to the making the next 30 minute movie?' :)). It's good that you are trying it for the non sex stuff so far. Besides 'realism' do you think it will make animating movement easier? If it's something your stuff lacks (besides faster release times) it's connecting scenes between sex scenes. Would be nice to see the girls move around to new positions instead of using a fade to black. Are you planning on doing something like this?


Ya I honestly don't even care about Blood Crown any more. After it was clear that it wasnt coming out any time soon in the new year I just lost interest. Miro should just start making 5 min sex scenes with very little story cause the full length just takes way too long. Maybe mocap will help in the future, but I'm already at the point where I'm just going to wait until after it comes out and then just sail the high seas for it lol.


The old time table to releases was 3 years. Is it going to take that long to see BC? G4E: 2012 G4E DLC: 2015 BLCRD: 2018 BLLBC "PART 1": 2021? BLLBC "PART 2": 2024? G4E 2: 2027? The 2 parts are being made at the same time at least right? Or are the patrons gonna be stuck waiting half a decade for the other half of the movie... Are all future projects going to be split into 2 parts now? Making us wait long periods of time for half releases just seems... counter-productive.


Usually I don't like to speculate, but since the initial projection of a shorter release window seems to be as yet unfulfilled... ... at this rate I really do hope both parts are being worked on at once, or some other unexpected bonus is in store. For instance, I'd be "alright' with it if at the end of the rainbow, both parts are released at the same time and people who dislike DG on DG can just opt out of buying that part. But yeah, it's understandable that it's starting to wear thin on some. Just know that you really, really don't want Miro making any further predictions or projections. That would actually be worse. You think you want it, but you really don't. It has NEVER been a net positive to receive even a tentative release window, going back to the orignal G4E. For whatever reason it just never, ever pans out.
