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We've made some progress with improving our cum sims, so I'm sharing a short clip of a cum simulation test with Sophia cumming on Cerene :D 

First of all, the cum behaves a lot more like fluid now. In previous sims we dealt with odd behavior, like the cum would quiver after splashing onto the girl and individual streams and droplets wouldn't blend into each other properly when they came into contact. 

In this test clip, when a new stream collides with a splatter of cum that's already there, everything flows into each other.  It's also a lot more stable, no longer jittering like jelly. :D

To get this look we had to completely rework the setup and it's still a work in progress, but I feel like we're getting closer to the look that we're after :)

Our goal is to have long, thick streams of cum that flow smoothly but aren't too runny so the cum sticks to the girls and trickles down slowly.   

Let me know what you think so far!


Grab the zip file from the attachments and use the password to unzip.  

The password is: cumtest

(Make sure you type the password yourself, if copy and paste doesn't work!) 



Sgt Parge Lenis

Looks very good, but what did you used/done in G4E? The Cumshots there looked amazing!


Looks good for me but Cerene covered in cum looks always good ;)


Cerene looks amazing

Space Banker

It's too white imo. cum should have a slightly transparent look to it.


Looks great but it's massively overshadowed by how incredible Cerene looks... I said it like 100000 times but I'll say it again: NOTHING BEATS FEMALE CERENE when it comes to hotness ... not even the Sun stands a chance! Awesome work guys!


Have to say I agree. The uniformity of the whiteness reduces the "convincing" that what you're seeing is cum. It doesn't look like "clouds of white in clear fluid" but instead is just looks more like straight white fluid. The liquid dynamics are certainly a lot better, since the stuff now clings to vertical surfaces, rather than immediately running off like it hit a no stick teflon.


Can't agree more. Female Cerene is the definition of hotness.


I like it how Cerene face up for cum. It could be better if it is more transparency. Alternative of this cumshot is Cerene open her mouth and/or stick out her tongue to savour thicker than Tristan's cum. (To show that she is not totally submitted but enjoy her time)


Glad this is being worked on. The flicker effect in BLC was a bit distracting.


I just see that there are different mouth incomplete and completed. :0


Love that Cerene stays totally still and just enjoys being plastered. Maaagic mooooments... I would dial up the speed at which the cum shoots out a bit and have the cum streak form less of an arc but a more or less straight line until it hits whatever it is heading to. Other than that, great progress!

Andrew Rowe

Looks good Marie! The opacity is dependent on her diet, taste & texture as well.

John McCarthy

Kind of looks like it's being pumped out of a whip cream container ... oh yea ... who came up with the score ? sounds to me like the end credit's of a monster movie ... hah ! or something form a futuristic time and space film ? ... I sort of like it ...

Andrew Rowe

Marie, U could put an aura around the cum, it's magic cum from a magic cock after all, then you wouldn't have to worry so much about how it looks. My 2¢, Andrew

Andrew Rowe

An aura like when Cerene manifests her cock.


Looks like good progress.


Love the new fluidity of the cum. Never thought I'd say that, lol. Great idea making Cerene your test subject too. :)

David Baluga

Holy crap this is so hot. Agreed that the cumshots looked incredible in G4E. What’s the progress look like on the first BloodLust: Lanessa release?


Hope to see that cock convulsing as it pumps the cum out of it.


The cum itself looks good.


I'd agree with the convulsing cock, and further add that I think it would look more "real" if each cum stream was shorter in duration, but there was more of them. I call it the Peter North Effect. He was a veritable one-man bukkake and his spurts were shorter in duration.


the cum in g4e was decent though if you remember it was like water. visual on the color side sure. fluids are not easy to do. tons of different tools that can be used and all have their pros and cons, a good chunk will come down to sim speeds longs it looks pretty good.

Space Banker

It doesn't behave like semen, or look like it for that matter. It looks like spray-on cinnamon roll icing.


It's an improvement for sure but we also still have a long way to go. At any rate, this is good work!


imo its pretty good, though overall i'd like to see some strands of cum not a constant flow. maybe not being so thick to. ( i know that isn't easy to make happen, unless certain areas are painted by hand to get the effect) also could just be a case of the amount of cum giving of an overly fake look (not asking for super realistic as it's pointless to have if the models and or product isn't aiming for that) possibly having the first few strands be thinner with less build-up then having a sort of explosion where the rest of the cum blasts out getting you that covered result. SIDE NOTE, mean constant flow as in the shots themselves last to long before each pause. TO EVERYONE SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE GLUE OR WHAT HAVE YOU....... the shader is fine, its due to how thick the cum layer is. if they made it thinner in places you will get that translucent touch.

Amber Lee

I agree with Kyla; though keep up the great work :)


it is decent overall. imo this would also help, getting a response on the shader itself, if they want a jet white cum bath for the most part..... they managed that, if that is what they intend then neat its good as is. though its not been said so idk


The dripping consistency and fluid behaviour are leagues above the first two iterations. They are more than on the right track behaviour wise.


I used a different simulation process at the time... our current sim artist morf uses different software and workflow... we'll get there with more testing


just a static pose test, but the actual will have a lot of thrusting and convulsing and such :)


we'll be testing slightly thinner more frequent squirting which should result in nicer ropes of cum


Its all aimed in the same place, Aim some of it towards the front of her tits, cover those things!


Yeah it looks like you solved what you set out to solve with the jitter/jelly issue. It's stable now once it hits the skin, that's great. The sheen looks really nice and the way it falls, particularly on the chest area, looks really nice as a still image. Have to third, fourth, fifth what Kyla said, though. It does seem too white, lacking translucency, but I think the culprit here lately has been the insane thickness of the liquid combined with the sheer sustained output they're firing. This goes for Cerene too in the last release, particularly after the blowjob. The thickness alongside the cohesion improvements made since G4E means each splatter on the skin is so thick, it actually stands up off the skin and kinda stays there. So if it ends up covering the mouth or eyes, it's so white the recipient no longer has a mouth or eyes, and then it never seems to move from there (which to a certain extent, you want, just maybe not to this extent). I think the physics as-is here can work if the cum is kept at neck and below, but if it goes near the face, particularly the mouth, then the issues stand out more (but that's no fun). I realize when futagasms with 14+ inch dicks are involved, people want to see a lot of cum. I think there's a way to get to that end goal by realistic means, thinner, squirty spurts of ropey cum from convulsive movement. I'm sure the "sustained output" here is mostly for test purposes, but just putting that out there, since Cerene's cumshot after the recent release's blowjob had some very lonnngg, sustained ropes akin to this WIP. If they were just a little thinner looking I think you've got it. I feel like it's just a few tweaks away from getting to a really good place. The dream would be if Cerene was able to visibly lick her lips dry after one of these, or have her taste some of it from her breast with her finger with a wry smile. Or I mean, her breasts are big enough, for crying out loud. She could probably just taste it off her rack directly. But that might be a ways off from looking good with the current tech you have.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Like the dripping off Cerene's chin. It would have been nice to see the cum on her shoulders and chest slowly sliding down her body and having Cerene's mouth open for some fill and spill but overall, looks like progress.


Meh, I'm ok with thicker spurts if the dick is already that much bigger/more potent than usual. But I agree with most of what you said about increasing the fidelity otherwise. If you really wanted to preserve the hyper-virility of the cumshot but not break with a more natural rhythm of how ejaculations work, you could have shorter pulses but merely have the cum wax and wane, never actually stopping completely until nearing the end of the climax. I've seen this effect being used specifically in this way by another futa artist, and it captured the high intensity without the awkwardness of the overlingering shots.


The background music works well.

John McCarthy

B-Daddy here ... I just felt like throwing in my 2 bits ... does any body remember when Sayako's cannon resembled a dick ... ya know a dick ! ... How big are these u-boats now ? cause if they get any bigger your going to have to put a number on the sides ... the Naval dept would want the numbers of course ... or N.A.S.A is going to be calling wanting to know when your gonna light em up and send them skyward ...


"Our goal is to have long, thick streams of cum that flow smoothly but aren't too runny so the cum sticks to the girls and trickles down slowly. " This times 1000. Love it. Also, good choice in music for this demo.

Snake Plissken

I think also you could make it so while the cum is flowing over the breasts, you alter the breast texture so it looks like some of the cum is sticking to the boob... adding cum dripping (like thick mucus) would be great too.

Snake Plissken

Would like to see cum stains on body be persistent


Looks much better, very good. Like you said, there should be some flow, so the cum on Cerene's chest should be flowing down, slowly. Also, I hope these long streams of cum are just for the simulation; we ejaculate in bursts, not like water from a hose.


Also, now that you are getting close to simulating cum... what's the next fluid to simulate? pussy cum? saliva? I vote saliva.


how about a 'fun stuff' one of five times this much covering her?