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The draft for part 1 of Love Thy Neighbor is done so we're currently working on the final version. It took a little longer to prepare but it's coming together nicely and I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this setting. :D 

In the meantime here's a little sample for ya. How do you like the look of the Lanessa duo? :)



Space Banker

Looks refreshing. I like the new skin textures you've been using.


Looking great. <3

Andrew Rowe

👁 good, Marie!


Awesome. They look so hot but very cool at the same time!


Looking great as usual glad to see i’m not the only soul who sturggles to make the Pretty3D’ Lets go Top. look good on well endowed ladies. i need to take the time and rebuild it in blender so i can connect the meshes on the straps and body.

Icarus Unleashed

I like the nuances in the makeup. Gives us the feeling of the personalities behind the looks... when we can pull our eyes away from the boobs, that is ;)


Damn, I love this. Look at those tits


Looks great I am rdy for the first part :) oh and Miro, in one of your recent posts you said, you’ve always wanted to make an Asian char… So in case that still holds true I’ve got a proposal for her body type: https://www.instagram.com/dajinism/?hl=en just a suggestion of course :)

Bob Fink

Love how they turned out, very sexy.


Holy sheet. This just oozes attitude!


Hot hot hot


The lack of deltoid is strong in these two.


ftfy:) https://imgur.com/bbpBuEu

Joe Johnson

Very sharp looking. Love the makeup


I really like this modern setting for the characters. It's a nice change of pace from the royal Descent setting and I hope it continues for the next big release after Blood Crown.


So pretty!


They look awesome. Thanks for the update about the timeframe I was getting antsy.


Even the grinch can crack a smile when high fidelity semen demons are on display.


overall seems neat, have to ask though, what is going on with the hair strands here? >_<


Just about the only nitpick I have with this image is that in this light, in a still shot, the girls look a little plastic mannequin-y ... partly due to the smoothness of their skin combined with the shine being just a little too mirror perfect, hence the plastic skin look under this lighting. One thing that's it's really hard to get past though with this image is that Light Lanessa is bra-less ... and I just see ALL THAT SIDE BOOB and can only think of her "unholstering" her (massive!) breasts from that dress ... perhaps to give them some air(?) ... while I just don't get anything like that particular "vibe" (or even sense of anticipation for the same) from Dark Lanessa simply because of how Dark Lanessa's dress is cut and fitted (much more conventionally). Just goes to show that old "Bill" Theiss of the original Star Trek costuming design department was onto something when he decreed that the sexiness of any given costume is inversely proportional to how "securely" fitted it is to the woman wearing it ... meaning that if you look at a bit of costuming on a woman and all you can think about is what you'd get to see if there was a "wardrobe malfunction" ... that's sexier than something where you just "know" nothing's going to go "wrong" and therefore there's no anticipatory expectation of unintended sexy reveal.

Amp Lexus

I think Lanessa would be more sultry with darker lipstick. They just don't look right being almost the same shade as her skin tone. Perhaps a shade of plum?


Light lanessa in a virgin killer sweater is fucking nice


I'm not a big fan of dickgirls but both of them are stunning ;)


light lanessa sooooooo sexyyyy , please make movie

Space Banker

Not a fan of dickgirls? What are you doing subscribed to this patreon?


This has kind of been a problem across many of the models and really shows itself in still images.


They looks really sexy ;)


wow, she's curvy :) yes, definitely looking forward to creating an Asian character in the near future


Does Lenessa Duo is sister or twin? And who is older?

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Without the tattoo and with her head turned like that, I can totally see Sayako peeking out of Lanessa. =P Is it just me or do Lanessa's eyes look more green than usual? If I didn't know better I'd swear I've developed psychosis over this fictional dickgirls eyes. @_@'


For extra coolness I wouldn't mind seeing Lanessa give me that "fuck off my driveway"-look while she's lowering/lifting a nice pair of sunglasses