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Update September 4th:

We added an option called 'Other' to the question 'Would your dickgirl wear any of the fashion styles mentioned below?' 

Feel free to submit your own idea for a unique fashion style if we missed a good one! If you already filled in the survey, you can still adjust your original answer by opening the link and editing your response. 

Survey Results Part 2

Thanks for filling out dickgirl creator survey #2! :)You can find the charts with the final survey results below. I re-attached the reference images so you can check the body shapes. The results pointed in the same direction for most questions, so I won't go over each question separately. In short, the majority of you went for the biggest tits, ass and dick you could find, so it looks like we're going to create a very voluptuous character! :D 

Thoughts on future dickgirl creator surveys?

Now, if you try to picture the dickgirl after seeing the survey results, she might seem like the love child of Cerene and Lanessa, as some of you have noted in the comments sections. (That actually sounds like a beautiful thing, if you ask me. :P) Though, it doesn't mean she'll end up looking exactly like Cerene or Lanessa. We're going to make sure she'll look like her own person so she'll be a new, sexy addition to our dickgirls. 

Something we could consider, if we make another dickgirl based on fan input, is to focus mainly on physical characteristics that we haven't seen in a character before. If that sounds like a nice approach to you or if you have another suggestion to improve the surveys next time, let me know in the comments section. :)

Anyways, we now know the main features of this dickgirl's body. To sum it all up: 

  • White
  • Just as tall as Cerene
  • Green eyes
  • Upper back length, black hair
  • Large breasts 
  • Big ass
  • 20 inch dick, same thickness as Cerene's, with balls
  • Innie vagina 

The Survey - Create your own dickgirl! - PERSONAL STYLE - Part 3

Update 9 September 2019: we are no longer accepting survey responses. 



Suia Loctis

Damn, second to fill it out. You beat me, tattooless friend


If she gets a tattoo, I hope it's one of those sexy womb tattoos ;D


So this poll pretty much confirms were getting Lanessa v2 -_-


Hey Miro, in one of your recent posts you said, you’ve always wanted to make an Asian char… So in case that still holds true I’ve got a proposal for her body type: https://www.instagram.com/dajinism/?hl=en just a suggestion of course :)


Hi Miro, while I would like to comment, I don't like a google account :( Any other way to give you poll feedback?


I second this, if only because I think Google should be avoided whenever possible, especially where sensitive subjects are concerned.


It's a fine survey. Runaway self-selection bias aside, 381 responses is a decent sample size, and confirms what I've always said about 3DX artwork: People *want* ridiculous. This is the realm of fantasy, and the audience craves the fantastic. It's something artists should embrace, not shy away from. I'd love to see dickgirls of different races and colors, actual extra-terrestrials, voluptuous redheads and rainbow pixie-cut pixies, short, tall, pierced and tattooed or totally untouched, hell, even a kemonomimi catgirl or two would not be unwelcome. I don't even have a firm preference on tit and ass size, though bigger is frequently more visually appealing. I have no type; I want them all. Through all of that, however, a core part of my taste will never waver: When it comes to 3DX, I'm really only interested in full-package D/B/V futas (who might occasionally just be girls) with the biggest possible dicks that can conceivably fit into the artist's workflow. 😃 It's heartening to see that your audience shares the firmness of these preferences. I'm tempted to elect myself spokesman for this viewpoint, but ultimately that would just boil down to me standing outside your workplace eternally holding a placard: "HER DICK COULD BE BIGGER THO." 😂


Pointing out the obvious, but the poll results constitute a decent sample size for **this community**. They represent the interests of Miro's fanbase, not necessarily 3D porn in general (can't really push that aside). Venture outside this community and you can find tons of differing majority preferences inside other artist's fanbases. Each poll thus far has basically affirmed that the community wants more of Miro's current aesthetic preferences, large proportions, bordering on ridiculous (20 inch cock sizes) which is totally understandable, because it's why many are here to begin with. On that front, the latest poll is especially telling. More than 215 responses, and already the overwhelming style favorite is Gothic/Cyberpunk, which is essentially Cerene in her latest variant. So yeah, the community seems to trend toward whatever Miro has put out lately, whether it be character design or style asethetics. This is why it's probably a good idea to explicitly design future polls in a way that encourages a result that differs from Miro's current track. ... Just to overcome the inherent bias seen in polling so far, and only if it's of interest to do so. 😁


yes, 3DX is the realm for experimentation... imo, as an artist you shouldn't bow to cultural norms only your own... like you can't convince me to go furry, but cock size is fair game :D


yeah, few things to consider for future polls, like exclude options that are too close to current chars... except large proportions... that's obviously the default for any character :P

Andrew Rowe

On the piercing question, a Prince Albert; cockhead piercing.