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Dark Lanessa and Light Lanessa have just settled into their new home.  All the excitement has Dark Lanessa feeling a little frisky and she can't wait to get her hands on Light Lanessa.

Meanwhile, their friendly neighbor Arielle is on her way to give them a warm welcome but is she ready for things to heat up as quickly as they do? Let's find out! :D  

Grab the zip file from the attachments and use the password to unzip! If you're having any trouble opening the zip file, try using 7zip or Keka (for Mac).

The password is: ltn01

Side note: I may have indulged in some experimentation with a certain girl's expression in a certain image. Maybe you'll spot it, maybe you won't... :P If you do, let me know if you liked it. And let me know what you think of part 1 in general! :D




Damn, I already want more, looking forward to more parts


I saw that Ahegao, also love how the ladies are shiny


This is dope. Can’t wait to see the rest.

Space Banker

Glistening titties, tongue's out; looks like a decent image set.


Password isn't working for me.


Nvm I'm an idiot.


Are you planning on releasing any animated vid of this set ? ^^


That expression would be great if Dark Lanessa sucks it to the root or Light Lanessa cums inside her mouth.


Not a big fan of ahegao right off the bat, maybe if this were late into the scene after multiple orgasms. Or there's something especially mind-bending being done to her. It's getting used as borderline meme material lately "Oh look she's making the huehue face, ha-haaah, there it is." rather than a genuine emotive thing.


I love it! Looking forward to the next parts.

Andrew Rowe

Solid work, 👁ing forward to seeing the final product.


From my experience car sex IS rather mind-bending so I can understand the ahegao


Said in an earlier post that I'm really liking this environment change and this set is great. Really looking forward to the next parts.

John McCarthy

# 17 whats with the face ... looks like she bit the head ... HAA HA HA ...


Oh, I thought the vote was for the third character in this image set. Didn't realize we were sticking with the original blonde (eh).


miro ... care to explain the "wardrobe malfunction" going on in 004, 005 and 007 at the waist of Dark Lanessa's jeans? And what's the deal with the WEIRD lighting/shadow effect going on at the end of Light Lanessa's cock in 005, 007, 008, 009, 012, 013, 014, 016, 017?


I love all the new facial expressions <3 The ahegao especially


Miro, you're such a tease! Just when things are going good, the image set ends. :) I LOVE how you can still see fangs in Light Lanessa's mouth, haha. I love the outfits on the Lanessas, love the car sex as the intro scene, and the graphics are superb as always. AMAZING stuff as always, now throw the new blonde in there! :):):)


I'm fan of Ahegao but when she/he have that face, it should be after multiple orgasm or unwilling orgasm. She should be just "pucker up" while closing her eye facing to sky or "wow opening" while looking what Light do. Last pic. Dark Lenessa better look into Light first before going to Arielle or calling her. And when does new Chracter appear since first page there are only twin Lenessa and Arielle featuring?

Bob Fink

Love the new pictures and the number 17 is a fun look on Light Lanessa's face.

John Douglas

Wish there where speech bubbles that wood be very gd


If you are on about the new character that the survey was about, she won't be appearing in this set.


I really love the 8 because light Lanessa exression is really hot and the way she grab hair to put her mouth on her cock is really hot. It's maybe just an impression in this set but I think her cock really begins to be exessively thick no ? The face expressions of light Lanessa is a bit to much for me exept the 7,8,9 and 12.


Sorry man, the image sets just don't cut it for me. I'm here for news and content regarding your animations and not for one largely uninspired picture set after another. Will you ever actually talk about the next release on here or where do you see the focus of this patreon?


is this gonna be a 2 dickgirl set?

Just some Fish

Could we get better names for the duo perhaps? >.> :D


image sets will make up a good part of the content, we'll slowly put out more short animations and more info on the release as we get closer to it... if that doesn't work for you feel free to come back when things align more with your tastes


change their names based on the set? or in general, if we keep using the duo, might give them individual names


I do love ahego face! But agree it might be good to use it at a more high impact moment. But love the idea of a futa being so pleasured she goes ahego. :D And while I love Lanessa as a name, and feel it very fitting for a vampire, I wouldn't mind seeing one of them having another name or nickname. Just I don't have to use Dark and Light as modifiers. :)


Is selfboobsqueezing and selfnipplesucking on that list of yours too? I mean i would have died instantly if LL had freed her left boob and done sth nice with it instead of grabbing the car door but it would have been a good death somehow Edit: Just realized she at least touches it in pic 7 but I honestly can't think of a single reason why she would stop there :)

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Part 1 gets a 2/10. No build up to the BJ and it felt over before it began. Ahegao is a mix, something just seems off here, to me. Arielle 's shit lazy design is ugly and the fact that this set is a clonefest in general....thumbs down. Oh and Lanessa's eyes in pic 5, wtf? XD


Indeed. I look at Light Lanessa's breasts in her dress and can only think about how to get them OUT of that dress to have fun with them ...


Agreed on the pacing. It's just miro racing through stuff fast enough to check the checkboxes (did this? did that?) but too fast to actually savor and enjoy what's happening while it's happening. It has a Been There/Done That vibe that's all about "moving on" as fast as possible, which diminishes the impact of any particular moment since you're not "allowed" to linger over anything long enough to enjoy it.


I love the clothing, it looks really good. But the rest? Doesn't White Lanessa react a bit fiercely? As if that was her first blowjob she ever had and plz never do an ahego face again, that is ugly. Ahego works only on 2D mediums if you ask me. And to switch the angel with every pic isn't good too. That wasn't your best miro ;/

Jack Pinder

So, gotta say I love this bit of fun. Nice knit top. Do like the way they get right to it and Cerene's responses and facial expressions are honestly out there though somewhat over the top. Works for me. Seems sexy having someone of her strength letting her guard down.


Love the ahegao, but it was used a bit too early in my opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing more of it since it's usually used when someone is having an amazing orgasm ;D


I'm going to have to agree that I'm a little disappointed with the pacing. But understandably, in a scenario like this, if there isn't a strong sexual punch or dick reveal early on, the amount of preparatory scene dressing that needs to be communicated is a tad high. I had no problem with the Scifi set in this regard, and it really only had a handful of scene setting images. I imagine this one if paced out, might require more than double that. Like, when I imagine what would happen if the third girl arrived and sat down for dinner with them, I become strained as to see what would occur, absent of dialogue to progress towards sex quickly. Either its campy, and someone drops a tray, bends over to pick it up, one pops a boner and then the blonde guest is so curious she rips the cock out and is stupefied into fellating it. Or the scene has a bit of a more forceful vibe, and the Lanessa's after a bit of dialogue-less interaction just whip out their womb-doomers and have at her like tricked prey. The former seems a little goofy, and the latter seems a bit too noncon without speech. But as it stands, the opening car scene blowjob seems too blunt. It might be a pain, but I think the solution would be captions. Otherwise the actual task of getting from A to B and making sex occur from inviting a neighbor over from dinner limits your possible options rather strictly. Outside of concocting a dick reveal with a sort of slapstick contrivance, or just having a dick reveal with no explanation and leaving the situation as blunt and strange, the only choice left is to "have sex be immediately the subject of the interaction". Which as the neighbor knows nothing and is just arriving, and the Lanessa's absent of being unintelligible as characters wouldn't just be having at each other while waiting for her, leaves us with an interrupted quickie. Unfortunately that means little characterization or scene setting, and the succinct but effective storytelling found in the aesthetic and opening images of the sci-fi set can't really be imitated here.


Loved the ahegao but agree it was used a little too early


LOVE IT! And I could stay at that, but one little feedback never hurt right? So after a few times watching them I noticed Dark Lanessa 's necklace is flying on some pics. My advice for fixing it is a choker instead as it may fit the neck and my personnal taste better. (hopefully I'll not have to explain why I didn't notice it at first sight)


Lanessa is my favourite character from Miro's work by leaps and bounds. My god she looks sexy in this outfit! Loving the "virgin killer" sweater on Light Lanessa too!


This set is amazing, especially Light Lanessa and her outfit


gotta say this was fun lol


I would so love to give them both road head on a long journey.


yeah, may use another skinning technique... choker would be nice, but then we'd get in trouble with the continuity police


yeah, someone complained about the outfit from the first preview and I did mention she has her moments from other angles :D


Is it easier to animate something like this if you have all the images? Like is it all part of the same process?


so sexy cant wait for the rest of the image set..as always i love your work


image sets are it's own contained thing, but they're also the starting pose for the ones that eventually get picked for animation and you can compare them all before deciding


Any idea when the next part of Love Thy Neighbor is going to come out?


when whoever poses them gets it done i guess :D

John McCarthy

What do you think she's got crystal ball ? ... when it's done it's done ... 5000 BC , hey chief when are my Pyramids going to be done ...


If she didn’t know then why should she post at all? Her answer provided absolutely no useful information. Much like your idiotic post.

John McCarthy

She did answer you ... she said it won't be posted till the fat lady sings ...

